004. cas and uncle sam are psycho

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Larissa is about to knock on the door to Sam's hotel room, but before she can, it's opened by an attractive brunette woman.

"Oh. Hi." Larissa awkwardly greets.

"Hi." The woman awkwardly smiles. Larissa glances down, seeing the money in the woman's hand. The woman shuffles past her and Sam walks up to the door, leaning against it, as Larissa watches the woman walk off, waiting until she's out of earshot.

"I wasn't aware you had company last night." Larissa turns to Sam, feeling herself freeze when she spots his sweaty, shirtless form. "Didn't know you paid girls now."

"Well, the bar selection sucked." Sam comments. Larissa mindlessly nods, staring at his abs a little too long. Sam smirks when he notices. "Lissy?" He asks, but she doesn't respond. Sam snaps his fingers in front of her face, knocking her out of her thoughts.

"Um... Libby didn't ask to spend the night with me, did she?" Larissa asks. "It was your ploy so you could have sex."

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, it was. But she loves you whatsoever, so." Sam admits, nodding. Larissa ignores the small ache in her chest and quietly clears her throat.

"I bought you coffee." She holds a cup out to him. "Cause... I liked you a lot better five minutes ago."

"Thanks." Sam says, taking the cup. "Like what you see?" He asks with a knowing smirk.

"I will shoot you." Larissa threatens. "I am going to go eat with your child and restore my innocence because this is... ugh." She walks off to her motel room, ignoring Sam's laugh.


Larissa and Sam are leaning against his car and reading through reports. Libby is in the backseat and watching a movie on the iPod. Dean drives up in the Impala and gets out while on the phone. Natalie and Jacob get out, Ophelia and the twins staying in the backseat.

"Hey." Larissa knocks on Libby's window. She opens the girl's door. "Cousin time."

Libby grins and immediately gets out of the car, ignoring her aunt and uncles as she dashes for the backseat of the Impala, getting in.

"Missed you, too, Libs." Jacob quips.

"Ben... I know you're lying. Because I lie professionally, that's how. Now tell your mom that you broke the damn thing and take it like a man. Okay? Okay." He hangs up.

"Wow." Sam says.

"What?" Dean asks.

"You. Molding the minds of tomorrow. Who knew?" Sam comments.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Dean says.

"How'd it go?" Sam asks.

"With?" Dean asks.

"You and Lisa. How'd she take it when you bailed?"

"Shockingly cool, actually."

"Better for everybody."

"Yeah, I suppose. Still driving the plastic piece of crap, huh?"

"What's your mileage again?"

"Shut up."

~ ~ ~

"Officer Gerald Hatch, 17 year veteran, found dead in the ready room three days ago." Sam says.

"Whoa. somebody was overhydrated." Dean says.

"Basically, yeah. The guy just... liquefied. Most of the meat, bones, dense tissues -- they just turned to blood." Sam says.

"Okay, I don't get it." Dean says.

"Nobody gets it." Sam says.

"No. I mean, I get that. I'm saying, if the guy was a mop job, then what are we doing in the morgue? What's left of him to look at?"

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