043. back together

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Sam, Natalie, Larissa, and Libby walk into Rufus' cabin and walk inside a bit. Natalie is holding Briar and holding Justin's hand. Sam is suddenly tackled to the floor making Larissa jump and Libby scream and they turn to see Dean dousing his little brother with holy water.

"What the fuck?!" Natalie exclaims.

"I don't even care." Jacob mutters making Natalie turn at the voice. Her eyes widen at the sight of him. She quickly puts her daughter down before going over to him. "Are you-- you're--"

"I'm here." Jacob smiles. Natalie cups his cheeks and lets out a small laugh. Jacob hugs her, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"Oh, my God." Natalie whispers in relief.

"What the--? I'm not a demon." Sam says.

"Dean. Dean, hey--" Larissa stops herself as he splashes holy water on her and Libby.

Jacob and Natalie jump apart when holy water is splashed at them.

"Okay, I-- I got them." Jacob motions between his wife and children. "I'll test 'em."

Dean pours borax over Sam before doing it to Larissa and then Libby. "Oh-- okay. I'm-- I'm 'bout to murder this dude."

"I wanna help." Libby grimaces in disgust.

"Dude needs a chill pill." Natalie mumbles.

"Well, it-- it's been a tough year." Jacob mutters.

"Daddy." He looks down at Briar's voice, her and Justin standing next to them. Processing it's their dad, they both grin and start calling for him.

"Hey, babies." Jacob smiles, picking both of them up. "Hi. Hi. You know, I missed you two so, so, so, so much." Jacob covers their faces in kisses making them giggle. "I'm surprised they remember me." He sadly laughs.

"Well... mommy never stopped talking about you and... had plenty of pictures around, so... kind of hard to forget." Natalie sadly smiles.

"Or a leviathan. What--" Sam's cut off as Dean slices his arm with a knife making Sam hiss in pain. Dean yanks Larissa closer by her arm, cutting it.

"Ow!" She rips her arm out of his grip. "Jackass." She mutters. Dean cuts Libby's arm.

"Ow!" She cries out.

"Dude!" Sam shouts.

"Dean!" Larissa yells.

"Or shifters. Good." Dean stands up. "My turn. Come on. Let's go." He holds the holy water and borax out to Sam.

"I don't need to. We know it's you." Sam says.

"Damn it, Sammy!" Dean splashes holy water and then borax on himself. He holds the knife out to Sam who is standing up again. "Come on!"

"No! Dean, can I just say hello?" Sam asks. Dean rolls his sleeve up and cuts his arm.

"All right." Dean smiles. "Well... let's do this."

"I don't know whether to give you a hug or take a shower." Sam chuckles.

"Good to see you again. I'm gonna clean us up." Larissa grabs Libby's hand and walks to the bathroom.

"Wait!" Ophelia runs out of the bedroom.

"Ophi!" Libby grins, the older girl tackling her into a hug. Libby tightly hugs her back. After a bit, Ophelia manages to pull away and she hugs Larissa.

"It's really good to see you, sweetheart." Larissa quietly says.

"You're pregnant." Ophelia's eyes widen.

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