092. charlie

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Sam, Larissa, and Ophelia are where Sam is keeping Rowena at while she translates the book.

"Nothing? You've got nothing?! Rowena, it's been days! You said the codex would crack the code." Sam says.

"I am an artist, Samuel. These things cannot be rushed. Perhaps if I weren't chained up... I'm really not at full strength." Rowena says.

"Yeah, and you won't be at full strength. No witchcraft. Look, I need the cure for my brother from the book, and if you're stalling--"

"Why on earth would I stall?! I want the Mark off your brother for my own protection! I want out of these chains and out of this pit, and I want you to hold up your end of the deal and kill Crowley. You do remember the deal, do you not, Samuel?"

"Believe me, I have no issue killing Crowley!"

"The problem is, the language Nadya used in the codex is damn near indecipherable. She was a gifted witch but a selfish pig. Once she cracked a code, she then coded its secrets for herself." Rowena explains.

"So... now we need to break a code to... break a code?" Sam asks.

"Quick, aren't you?" Rowena asks.

"God, people with their trust issues and secrets." Ophelia complains.

"Listen, Dean gets worse every day. Get this done." Sam states.

"You won't forget the grocery shopping, will you?" Rowena asks.

"No." Sam says.


The tree get back to the bunker, Dean sitting at a table in the library.

"Wow." Dean says.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"Well, you three look like crap on toast." Dean says.

"I just haven't... really been sleeping well." Sam says.

"Uh... girl stuff." Ophelia comes up with before leaving.

"We do have a toddler." Larissa reasons. "Speaking of which, I'm going to check on her." She says before leaving.

She gets to her room and a knock soon follows, the girl turning to find Nathan.

"Wow. You look like shit." Nathan comments.

"Is that how you pick up all the lucky ladies?" Ophelia remarks.

"I-- wait, no, I-- I didn't mean you looked bad. I-- well, I did, but-- but you're still, like... you know, really pretty. It-- I didn't-- shit." He huffs as Ophelia giggles.

"You're good, Nate. I was joking." She tells him. "I'm tired, but-- but I'm fine."

"You sure?" Nathan asks.

"Okay, I know you're set on being there, but if you just ask the same question a million times, I will make sure you go through the wall." Ophelia warns.

"Noted." Nathan quickly nods. "Just, uh... just let me know if you need anything. Or... or, you know, want anything... like-- like company."

"Got it." Ophelia says.

Nathan nods before leaving. Ophelia sighs, guilt tugging at her heart, feeling she might've been a little rude. She winces and huffs.

"Nate!" She calls. The blonde jogs back, trying not to see too eager.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Can we, uh... wanna watch a movie?" Ophelia asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure. You got it." Nathan nods.

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