015. khan worm

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They're working a case with Bobby, none of them really sure on what the monster is. Jacob stayed back at Bobby's since both of the twins were sick, but he insisted that Natalie go on the hunt since she stayed back when the twins were sick for a different hunt last time and they have a deal to switch off. The three siblings, Larissa, Ophelia, and Libby are outside of the cannery where they're meeting Bobby and Rufus.

Dean is getting stuff out of the trunk when Bobby pulls up, the two older hunters getting out.

"I don't even know why you have a driver's license." Rufus says. Libby quietly giggles.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." Dean jokes.

"It really is good to see you, Rufus." Sam says.

"I can believe it. It must get old dealing with this miserable cuss here all by yourself." Rufus jokes.

"Is it that obvious?" Sam teases.

"Why don't you three get a room?" Bobby rolls his eyes.

"All right, we all pack a snack?" Dean asks.

"Mm-hmm." Larissa nods, holding up the bag of trail mix and another bag of peanut butter M&Ms.

"You-- you actually packed a snack?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. And you don't get any." Larissa grins, putting the snacks back in her bag.

"Wha-- why not?" Dean asks.

"Cause I won't let you." Larissa says.

"Rude." Dean mumbles.

"Do I get any?" Libby asks.

"Always." Larissa taps her on the nose and Libby grins.

"All right, let's see what we can see." Dean says. They go inside, quietly looking around, shining their flashlights everywhere. Libby tightly holds onto Larissa's hand, Ophelia holding onto the back of her dad's jacket. They go in the elevator and go up a few floors, continuing to look around.

They hear a clanging noise making them stop. The adults all take their guns out and aim ahead of them at where the noise is coming from. The door opens and Gwen steps out.

"Gwen?" Dean asks.

"Dean." She realizes.

They see Samuel appear in the other room, Sam and Dean storming in.

"Uh oh." Larissa mumbles, her hand on Libby's hand tightening.

"Welcome to next time." Dean aims his gun at Samuel's forehead.

"No, no, wait! Hold on!" Sam stops him.

"I said I'd kill him." Dean says.

"Look, just a second." Sam tells him.

"I take it you know each other." Rufus says.

"He's evil." Libby states.

"He's our grandfather." Dean says.

"Oh, somebody needs a hug." Rufus says.

"Why are you here?" Bobby asks the man.

"We're working. You?" Samuel asks.

"None of your damn business!" Dean shouts.

"Sam, take Dean for a walk." Bobby says.

"You've got to be kidding me." Dean says.

"Look, Dean, it's fine." Sam says.

"How?" Dean asks, glaring at Samuel. Sam leads his brother out of the room.

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