093. bunker invasion

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They built a pyre for Charlie and are currently standing by as the fire lights up, encasing her body and the wood.

"Charlie. We're gonna miss you. You were the best. And I'm so sorry--"

"Shut up." Dean cuts his brother off. "You got her killed, you don't get to apologize."

"Dean--" Billy quietly tries, but Sam starts talking.

"We were trying to help you." Sam says.

"I didn't need help. I told you to leave it alone." Dean says.

"What was I supposed to do? Just... watch you die?" Sam asks.

"The mark isn't gonna kill me." Dean says.

"Maybe not, but when it's done with you, you won't be you anymore. Dean, we care about you. So, of course, I was gonna fight for you because that's what we do. And listen, I had a shot--"

"Yeah, you had a shot. Charlie's dead. Nice shot."

"You think I'm... you think I'm ever... gonna forgive myself for that?"

"You wanna know what I think? I think it should be you, your wife, and Ophelia up there and not her." Dean states. Ophelia flinches when her name comes out of his mouth, looking over at him with watery eyes.

Nathan's jaw clenches, angrily glancing over at Dean. He looks back at Ophelia who looks back ahead at Charlie's burning body. He sees the tears filling her eyes that she refuses to let fall. Nathan slips his hand into her shaky hand, letting her tightly squeeze it.

Libby gives her uncle an annoyed look, her grip around her dad tightening. Larissa glares at Dean, not attacking him given she's holding Athena -- plus he'd probably easily kick her ass, especially with the mark.

Daphne's eyes widen, her jaw falling open a little at Dean's cruel words. Billy glances over at Ophelia, wincing and not being able to imagine hearing your own parent say that.

"This thing with Cas and the book ends now. Shut it down before somebody else gets hurt. You understand me?" Dean tells his brother.

"And what about you?" Sam asks.

"Oh, I'm gonna find whoever did this. And I'm gonna rip apart everything and everyone that they ever loved. And then I'm gonna tear out their heart." Dean states.

"Is that you talking or the mark?" Sam asks.

"Does it matter?" Dean asks. He walks away, leaving them.

"Sammy, it... it's not our fault." Larissa quietly tells him, holding his hand. "You asked Charlie for help, she knew the risks, and she accepted. It was her choice. Nobody should blame you for that."

"Right." Sam mumbles.

Larissa sighs, leaning into his side, wrapping her arm around him.

"Not your fault." She mumbles.


Daphne, Larissa, Athena, and Libby stayed back at the bunker while the others went to where Rowena and Cas are.

"Well, about bloody time." Rowena remarks. "Ooh... fresh meat?"

"Ew." Billy mumbles.

"I'm uncomfortable." Nathan mutters.

"Where's Charlie?" Cas asks. Sam shakes his head. "Oh, no, God. I should have gone after her. I-- what happened?"

"Me. The Stynes, um... they caught up with her and, uh, Dean's gone after them." Sam informs.

"So he knows." Cas says.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Well, what now?" Cas asks.

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