016. wild wild west

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Bobby, Jacob, Larissa and the siblings break into the Campbell family's old compound. Sam leads to them to the trapdoor he knows about and they go in it.

"Welcome to the Campbell family library." Sam says.

"So, Samuel collected all this stuff, huh?" Dean asks.

"Apparently." Sam says.

"Wow. All right, well, what are we looking for?" Dean asks.

"Well, anything that'll put a run in the Octomom's stockings. Pick a row." Bobby says.

~ ~ ~

"Bingo." Bobby says. "Any of you jokers ever heard of anything about a Phoenix?"

"River, Joaquin, or the giant flaming bird?" Dean asks making Jacob let out a quiet laugh.

"It says here that the ashes of a Phoenix can burn the mother." Bobby says.

"The mother?" Sam asks.

"Great. Where do we get one?" Dean asks.

"You got me. I thought it was a myth." Bobby says.

"All right, great. Well, let's see if we can find something out about a Phoenix." Sam says.

~ ~ ~

"Guys. Guys, guys, guys, guys, check it out." Dean walks over to the table with a book. ""March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. Gun killed a Phoenix today. Left a pile of smoldering ash."" He reads.

"Really? Whose gun?" Sam asks.

"Colt's." Dean informs.

"Colt? Colt like--"

"Like the Colt. From..." Dean holds the book up with a grin. "Samuel Colt's journal."

"What?" Sam grins. "That's his?"

"Yeah." Dean nods.

"Dude, no."

"Dude, yes."

"Well, let me see it." Sam reaches for the book.

"Get your own." Dean says.

"Well, what else did he say about the Phoenix? What does it look like? Has it got feathers?" Bobby asks.

"It just says Phoenix." Dean says.

"Did he say where he tracked it?" Bobby asks.

"No." Dean shakes his head.

"All right, so I guess we got to find one of our own, whatever it is." Sam says.

"I know where we can find one. March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. We'll Star Trek IV this bitch." Dean says. Larissa and Sam share confused looks.

"What?" Natalie asks.

"I only watched Deep Space Nine." Bobby says.

"Oh, come on." Jacob says. "Star Trek IV. Save the whales."

"Exactly." Dean nods. The others give both of them confused looks. "We hop back in time, we join up with Samuel Colt, we hunt the Phoenix, and then we haul the ashes back home with us."

"Time travel?" Bobby asks.

"Yeah." Jacob nods.

"That's a reasonable plan?" Bobby asks.

"We got a guy who can swing it." Dean says. "Castiel. The, uh, fate of the world is in the balance. So, come on down here. Come on, Cas, I Dream of Jeannie your ass down here pronto. Please."

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