081. no singing in supernatural

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It's been a few weeks since the whole demon Dean thing. Jacob took the twins and left, finding it hard to be in the bunker while trying to go through the grieving process surrounded by all of Natalie's things. Larissa calls him at least once or twice a week to make sure he's at least doing a little okay.

Billy rubs his eyes as he walks out of the motel room in his pajamas. He quietly shuts the door, not wanting to wake Daphne up. He looks around, seeing Dean working on the Impala, just as Dean spots him.

"Hey." Dean greets.

"Hey." Billy mumbles, walking over to him. "What are you doing?"

"Working on my car. Just fixing her up a bit, making sure she stays healthy." Dean says.

"Healthy? You mean working?" Billy asks.

"I mean healthy." Dean states.

"Right. Right, it's your baby or whatever." Billy says.

"Disrespect this car and I will run you over with her." Dean threatens.

"Okay, okay, chill. Learn how to take some sarcasm, damn." Billy mumbles.

"You always wake up this early?" Dean asks.

"Mm, either that or I'm never asleep." Billy says making Dean look at him confused, but there's also a hint of concern in his eyes. "Insomnia."

"Oh. Well, that sucks." Dean says.

"Yeah." Billy mumbles. "You always wake up this early?"

"Sometimes. Getting kind of restless in motels, so... figured I'd be outside." Dean says.

"Right. Well, uh, I'm gonna go find coffee." Billy says. Dean gives him a half wave as he walks off.

~ ~ ~

Athena woke Sam up by climbing on top of him and repeatedly tapping his nose. He got her some milk and goes outside, finding Dean with the Impala.

"Hey!" Dean greets.

"Hey. How long have you been up?" Sam asks.

"Long enough to find us a case." Dean says.

"Long enough to... I take it that means you're feeling back to normal?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, whatever normal is in our world." Dean says. "So, uh, right here." He shows Sam a newspaper. "A teacher in an all girls school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was heading to her car, disappeared, and nobody's seen her since."

"Dean, there's nothing here that even remotely suggests there is a case." Sam says.

"There is nothing that even remotely suggests there isn't a case." Dean counters. "Boom!"

"Come on, man."

"Sam. Out there, hunting. It's the only normal I know. And after Natty..." Dean looks down.

"She's not your fault." Sam says.

"No. No, it actually kind of is. If I had just knocked her out, she wouldn't have snuck in alone. If she wasn't trying to save me, she'd be alive right now." Dean takes a deep breath, burying his feelings. He tosses a rifle into the trunk. "We got work to do." He shuts the trunk.


They get to the high school and Sam hangs his phone up as they get out of the car. Larissa gets Athena out of the car.

"So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher." Sam says.

"Ugh, theater kids. Great." Dean grimaces.

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