051. first trial

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Sam and Larissa are sitting in the library and Sam is holding Athena while he uses his free hand to go through the multiple books on the table.

"What are you reading?" Dean asks as he walks in while balancing three plates.

"Sort of, uh, everything." Sam says.

"Oh, good. Somebody's gonna have to dig through all this, and it ain't gonna be me." Dean says.

"I hear that." Larissa smiles, quietly giggling at Sam's annoyed look. Dean puts a hamburger in front of her.

"You made these?" Sam asks as Dean gives him a burger.

"We have a real kitchen." Dean says. "Which also means more baking, am I right?" He asks Larissa. "You know, especially a, uh... a certain dessert. Three letters. Rhymes with die."

"I get it, Dean." Larissa says.

"I-I just didn't think you knew what a kitchen was." Sam jokes.

"I'm nesting, okay? Eat. And since she can finally eat them without puking now that the rugrat's out, baby mama's got extra tomatoes." Dean states.

"Aww, Dean-o... you do love me sometimes." Larissa gushes.

"Shut up." Dean rolls his eyes and she smirks a little.

Sam takes a bite of the burger while Dean watches with a smile.

"Huh? Yeah." Dean nods.

"Wow." Sam says, his mouth full of food.

"You're welcome." Dean says. He goes to take a bite of his burger, but his phone rings. He sighs and puts the burger down, pulling his phone out and answering it.

"Yo. What? Kevin? Kevin?!" Dean pulls his phone away.

"Something wrong?" Sam asks.

"Guess." Dean says, walking out. Larissa grabs her burger and stands up.

"I'll go get our stuff." Larissa says, walking out.

Sam starts to leave, but turns back and grabs his burger.

"You'll understand when you're older." He tells Athena.


They're on the boat and walk inside, looking for Kevin. Justin stayed back with Jacob since the toddler is sick.

"Kevin? It's us." Sam calls.

"Found him." Dean says. The others walk over, finding Kevin vomiting into the toilet.

~ ~ ~

Kevin is sitting at the table and wipes his bloody nose.

"Here." Larissa hands him a bottle of water that was in the diaper bag.

"Thanks." Kevin mumbles, taking it.

"Wow. You look like hammered crap." Dean says.

"Yeah." Kevin says.

"Are you sleeping?" Sam asks.

"Not really." Kevin answers.

"Are you eating?" Dean asks.

"Hot dogs, mostly." Kevin says.

"Sure, yeah -- breakfast of champions. Look, I'm gonna feel dirty saying this, but you might want a salad and a shower." Dean says.

"I know, and I've been getting bad headaches and nosebleeds, and I think maybe I had a small stroke. But it was worth it." Kevin says.

"What was worth it?" Sam asks.

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