069. september 30th

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"Kids! Breakfast! Gotta eat before school!" Samantha Burton yells up the stairs. Her thirteen year old daughter is soon jogging down the steps and skipping into the kitchen. The girl's face lights up at the waffles on the table.

"Thanks, mom." Daphne tells her mother as she sits down to eat her breakfast.

"Of course, sweetie." Samantha smiles lovingly at her, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "Billy!" She calls.

The seventeen year old trudges down the stairs, the hood of his jacket over his head.

"Don't be too enthused." Samantha teases at the view of her son's slow state.

"Hilarious." Billy deadpans. "Thanks." He mutters, sitting down. He grabs the bottle of syrup and drowns the waffles in it.

"What crazy wants to taste more syrup than waffle?" Daphne questions.

"What crazy eats barely any syrup -- or zero syrup -- with their waffle?" Billy retorts, seeing the waffle in her hand.

"If it's good enough, it doesn't need syrup." Daphne states.

"Weirdo." Billy mumbles and Daphne rolls her eyes.

"Ooh, waffles." Richie walks in, grabbing one. "Morning, sweetie." He kisses Daphne on top of the head.

"Morning, dad." Daphne says through her mouthful of waffles.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Samantha chides.

"Sorry." Daphne mumbles, her mouth still full. Samantha hides her quiet chuckle as she shakes her head.

"Morning, bud." Richie rubs his hand over Billy's hoodie.

"Hey." Billy mumbles.

"And once again, good morning, my beautiful wife." Richie goes over to Samantha.

"Good morning, my handsome husband." Samantha smiles, the two kissing.

Daphne looks at Billy and silently pretends to barf, him smiling a little and nodding in agreement.

After finishing breakfast, the siblings leave for school.

"Have a good day. Don't get in trouble, please." Samantha tells them.

"Well, you know I don't like talking around teachers." Daphne says.

"No promises." Billy tells his mom.

"Remember, your dad and I aren't coming home after work. We're gonna go out with some of our friends, you can order food for dinner, we'll be back around eleven." Samantha reminds them.

"Yep. Love you." Daphne kisses her mom on the cheek.

"Bye." Billy follows his sister out the door.


Billy gets home from school, tossing his bag down by the door, and walking into the living room. Daphne is excitedly bouncing on her feet, a large grin on her face.

"So I have everything but the pizza ready for movie night. We have Hocus Pocus, Halloween, Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, and the first two Halloweentowns." Daphne states. "Plus junk food and soda and all the blankets I could find."

"Do we have to do this tonight?" Billy asks, going into the kitchen to get a snack.

"Wh-- it's September 30th. We always do movie night the night before October starts." Daphne says, following him. "It's tradition."

"Traditions disappear, Daffy." Billy notes, biting into the green apple.

"Not this one." She whines. "Plus, it's your birthday tomorrow."

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