056. old love interests

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Sam, Larissa, Natalie, and Jacob are sitting at the map table and Athena is in her baby swing. The twins are down for naps and Ophelia and Libby are at the first table in the library.

"Please tell me that's everything." Sam says as Dean walks in with more files.

"Yeah." Dean says before chuckling. "No, not even close. You see, the Men of Letters kept files on every demonic possession for the last 300 years. I mean, we've got Bordon, Lizzie all the way to Crane, Ichabod." He gives Sam the files.

Sam drops the files on the table and groans in pain, holding his head.

"How you feeling?" Dean asks.

"Honestly, um... my, uh, my whole body hurts. I feel nauseous and like I'm starving at the same time and everything smells like rotting meat." Sam says.

"Sounds like me when I was pregnant." Larissa says. "Well, not really the rotting meat thing. Sometimes, though." She mumbles.

"Lissy." Sam gives her a pleading look to stop.

"Sorry. But, hey, bright side. You don't have to push a baby out of ya." She smiles.

"I've had that hangover. Jaeger, man. Maybe you should, uh, take a break, get some air." Dean suggests.

"I second that." Larissa says.

"Guys, the only thing that's gonna make me feel better is finishing this." Sam says.

"All right. Well, I'll go get you some grub, keep your strength up." Dean says.

"Morning." Cas greets. Dean ignores him as he leaves. "I like this bunker. It's orderly."

"Oh, give us a few months. Dean wants to get a ping pong table." Sam says.

"I find nothing wrong with that." Larissa states.

"That's one of the few times I will agree with Dean." Natalie says. "Especially with kids. We need to make sure they stay entertained."

"You wants kids to have plastic balls to chuck at each other?" Sam asks.

"If it keeps them busy." Natalie says.

"I'm all for a ping pong table. Ooh, and a pool table. Foosball." Jacob says.

"I've heard of that. It's a game, right?" Cas asks. He groans and leans against the table.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks.

"My wound isn't healing as quickly as I'd hoped... but I am getting better. And you're getting worse." Cas says.

"Well, two trials down, one to go." Sam says.

"And the final test, do you-- you know what it is?" Cas asks.

"I have to cure a demon." Sam says.

"Of what?" Cas chuckles.

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Sam says.

"Soup's on." Dean walks back in. "There we go." He puts a plate down. Three peanut butter cups and a piece of jerky are on it. "I think this is, uh..." He sips the beer. "Oh, it's still good." He puts the drink down.

"A half drunk beer, jerky, and three peanut butter cups?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, we're-- we're running a little low." Dean says. He looks at Sam's puppy dog eyes. "I'll make a run."

"Dean, I can go with you." Cas offers, though Dean doesn't respond. "Dean. I'm sorry."

"For what?" Dean asks.

"For everything." Cas says.

"Everything? Like, uh... like ignoring us?" Dean asks.

"Yes." Cas nods.

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