007. no soul

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They're at the motel and Sam is tied to a chair. The kids are all in the other room, despite Ophelia's protests of wanting to see, in her words, "everything go to shit."

Natalie, Jacob, Larissa, Dean, and Cas are standing up.

"You're right. He looks terrible." Cas states as Sam starts to wake up. "You did this?" He questions Dean.

"Well, at least I know you definitely got a punch in for me." Larissa comments. Everybody looks at her. "What? He's an asshole to his own child. I just don't punch him cause she's around."

"You never punch people whatsoever." Jacob scoffs. Larissa punches him in the arm. "Ow." He pouts, rubbing his arm.

"You were saying?" She asks.

"Cas?" Sam groans. "What's--" He tries to move, but quickly realizes he's tied up. "Let me go."

"Has he been feverish?" Cas asks.

"Have you?" Dean asks his brother.

"No. Why?" Sam asks.

"Is he speaking in tongues?" Cas asks Dean before turning to Sam. "Are you speaking in tongues?"

"No. What are you... are you diagnosing me?" Sam asks.

"You better hope he can." Dean says.

"You really think that this is--"

"What, you think that there's a clinic out there for people who just pop out of Hell wrong? He asks, you answer! Then you shut your hole. You got it?"

"How much do you sleep?" Cas asks.

"I don't." Sam answers.

"You... you mean, like, ever? At all?" Natalie asks.

"Not since I got back." Sam says.

"And if never occurred to you that there might be something off about that?" Dean asks.

"Of course it did, Dean. I-I just never told you." Sam says.

"What?" Dean asks.

"Why not?" Natalie asks.

"I don't know." Sam shrugs to the best of his ability.

"Dude, what the fuck?!" Larissa exclaims.

"Sam... what are you feeling now?" Cas asks.

"I feel like my nose is broken." Sam says.

"No, that's a physical sensation. How do you feel?"

"Well, I think--"


"I... don't know."

"This will be unpleasant." Cas says.

"What--" Sam starts as Cas unbuckles his belt.

"You guys want us to leave?" Larissa asks.

"Um... what's happening?" Natalie asks.

"Bite down on this." Cas holds the belt out to Sam who reluctantly bites down on the belt. "If there's someplace that you find soothing, you should go there. In your mind."

Sam lets out of muffled screams for a few moments while Cas sticks his arm into Dean's chest. Natalie winces, covering her ears. Jacob puts his hand on her head and turns her head so she's facing away. Larissa grimaces, glancing to the floor.

"Did you find anything?" Dean asks after Cas stops.

"No." Cas answers as Natalie uncovers her ears.

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