049. semi decent grandfather

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They're in their motel room and each getting ready. Natalie, Jacob, and the twins are there, already having gotten ready.

Dean is tying his shoes while Sam finishes up brushing his teeth. Ophelia and Libby are both ready and Ophelia is playing with the twins while Libby colors. Larissa already got herself ready and finishes up changing Athena's diaper before putting her in a onesie.

It's been eight days since she was born and they have all gotten somewhat used to the new way of life with a baby. Libby still refuses any talk of the baby and shows no affection to her. She even started riding in Natalie and Jacob's car.

Larissa holds Athena up, putting her pretty close to her face.

"You are all set, my little one. Yeah." Larissa says, keeping her voice light and soft. Athena stares at her mother. Larissa gently presses her forehead against her daughter's, kissing her on the nose.

Sam, who is standing at the sink and drying his mouth, smiles softly as he watches them in the mirror. Meanwhile, Libby frowns as she watches them, still feeling the gut twisting jealousy boil up in her.

Suddenly a man falls through the closet. Larissa's grip slightly tightens on Athena, holding her close.

"Which one of you is John Winchester?" The man asks. "Please, time is of the essence! Which of you is John Winchester?"

"Uh, none of us." Sam says.

"That's impossible. That's absolutely... what did I do wrong?" Henry asks.

"Who the hell are you, mister?" Dean asks.

"Not now. I'm thinking." Henry says. Dean grabs him and shoves him against the wall, his arm across the man's chest. Sam and Natalie stand next to their brother, Larissa staying back with Athena in her arms. Jacob keeps the twins and girls back.

"Please. I can assure you there's no need for violence. One of you must know John Winchester." Henry says.

"I'll tell you what -- when one of us falls out of your closet, then you can ask the questions." Sam says.

"Yes, my apologies. Is it absolutely essential, sir, that you keep your hands on me?" Henry asks Dean who steps back. "Thank you. Gentlemen, ladies, in the absence of any and all other explanations, I'm afraid this has been a marvelous, tragic misunderstanding. I'll be on my way."

"That's not happening." Sam says.

"There are things of grave importance. I do not have time to deal with the likes of you." Henry says.

Dean grabs handcuffs and Sam grabs Henry, Dean grabbing one of Henry's wrists.

"You're not going anywhere, 007, till we get some answers." Dean says. He tries to handcuff Henry to a chair, but Henry just ends up cuffing both brothers to the chair.

"How did he do that? You got to be kidding me!" Dean grumbles as the brothers try to get out. They manage to break the cuffs after a minute and go after Henry who broke the Impala's window to use it.

~ ~ ~

Henry is sitting in a chair and Sam splashes him with holy water making him laugh. Larissa is sitting on the bed and holding Athena who is asleep.

"And there with the holy water." Henry says.

"He's clean." Sam says.

"I could have told you that." Henry says, pulling his sleeve down.

"Yeah, well, you can start by telling us everything before I beat it out of you." Dean says.

"I'm quite certain this is all beyond your understanding, my alpha male monkey friend. And violence will not help you comprehend this any easier." Henry says.

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