087. 14 year old dean

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Sam and Ophelia walk into Dean's bedroom, the man sitting on the floor with his back against his bed and he's reading a giant book.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"Hey." Dean says.

"Caught a case." Sam says, holding the tablet out to Dean. "Apparently something is taking people." Dean takes the tablet. "And leaving their clothes."

"Hmm. About time this gig got an "R" rating." Dean comments. Ophelia grimaces and rolls her eyes. "All right. Why don't you guys go check it out? I'll hold down the fort." He holds the tablet out.

"Dean, you haven't left the bunker in a week." Sam says.

"And?" Dean asks, putting the tablet on his bed.

"And you can't just live the rest of your life locked up in this room." Sam says.

"I don't know. I got three hots and a cot. Could be worse." Dean argues.

"Look, I know you're worried about the mark." Sam says.

"Yes, Sam. I am. What I did to Charlie--"

"Charlie forgave you, Dean. How about you forgive yourself?"

"Because I'm not exactly batting 1,000 here, you know?"

"Yeah, I do know that, but staying locked up in here, sitting on the ground, reading the same lore books over and over and over again, it's not helping you. You need to get back in the game for your own good. You can beat this, Dean."

"Yeah, please, at least try. I need your self loathing to go from 10 to 3. It'd make me healthier." Ophelia comments.

"Thoughtful, O. Thank you." Dean sarcastically smiles.

"I--" Ophelia sighs. "Okay, yeah, insensitive for an empath psychic or-- or whatever I am. But..." She sits criss cross next to her dad, facing him. "Drowning in your guilt isn't gonna fix anything. I'm aware you like to bury your emotions and pretend they don't actually exist and you wanna bury yourself in never ending research, but we all know that's just gonna make you worse."

"And if you can forgive yourself for using me to blow up demons and almost killing me when you were a demon, who is to say that you can't forgive yourself for breaking Charlie's arm?"

"And what makes you think that I've forgiven myself for either of those things?" Dean questions.

"My delusions." Ophelia says. "I say we both become delusional and act like a happy family while we go solve people disappearing." She smiles.

"You're cute." Dean squishes her cheeks.

Sam softly laughs at them, shaking his head slightly.

"So?" Sam asks.

"You really believe what you said?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, you're damn right I believe that." Sam states.

"You know, you also believed in the Easter Bunny until you were 12." Dean remarks. Ophelia giggles.

"No I didn't." Sam denies. "Look, I was 11."

"And a half." Dean adds making Ophelia laugh again.

"And a half. Right." Sam scoffs. "So?"

"Delusional family for the win?" Ophelia hopefully grins, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." Dean relents.

Ophelia smiles and kisses him on the cheek.

"You're not sitting next to blondie, though." Dean says.

"Yeah, okay." Ophelia scoffs, giggling.

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