079. demon dean

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Cole gets done recounting how he met Dean, having seen the Winchester kill his father. Larissa wishes that if he was gonna kill them he'd just do it already.

"And that was the night that Dean Winchester murdered my father. And that's... that's why he's gonna die." Cole states.

"I'm sorry." Sam tells him.

"I'm not looking for your sympathy, Sammy. I'm looking for your brother. So, why don't you tell me where Dean-o is, and then I'll let you and the wife go." Cole says.

"That's not gonna happen." Sam says.

"Really? Now, you know your brother gave me the, uh, green light to put one between your eyes, right?" Cole asks. "And your wife's."

"Dean... Dean isn't Dean right now. Now, look, I don't know who you are--"

"Name's Cole. Listen, Sam... every night... since I was 13 years old... every night, I close my eyes and all I can see is your brother and all that blood... and my daddy. Now... I know Dean's family and all, but he gave you up. And you have no reason to protect him -- none. So help me. Please."

"Look, I'm sorry about your dad. Whatever happened... Dean had a reason. I don't know how to tell you this. There are monsters out there."

"You don't think I know that? I did two tours in Iraq. Special Ops, Darfur... The Congo. I've seen suicide bombers and child soldiers so hopped up on speed that they could barely talk! Oh, but they could sure as hell shoot an A.K."

"Not that kind of monster."

"Don't tell me about monsters! Cause I've met my share."

"I mean vampires! All right? Werewolves. Monster... monsters. Look in the bag." Sam nods to his duffel bag. "Go on. Take a look. It's right there." Cole goes over and digs through it, pulling out the flask of holy water.

"I guess even psychos need to hydrate." Cole says.

"It's holy water." Sam informs.

"Holy cow." Cole rolls his eyes.

"Look, I'm not a psycho. And I'm not lying."

"Well, you see, that's exactly what a psycho liar would say, so... see my dilemma? I guess... we are just gonna have to do this the other way." Cole says, grabbing the hammer.

~ ~ ~

Cole is torturing Sam as Larissa sits, trying her best to tune out his screams.

"Where's Dean, Sam? Where is he?" Cole asks, punching him. "Where is he?!" Cole chokes Sam with one hand, his other pushing on Sam's injured shoulder, the man screaming in pain.

"Shove it up your ass." Sam says, gasping for air.

"Okay." Cole lets him go. "Okay. Okay, okay. I guess it's time to crank up the volume, then. Huh?" Cole punches Larissa making her yell out in pain. "Wanna watch me hurt your wife, Sammy? Come on. Where is he?!" He asks, punching Larissa again.

Before Sam can protest or Cole can punch her again, his phone rings.

"Ain't you a lucky bitch?" Cole asks.

"Fuck you." Larissa seethes, groaning in pain. He grabs his phone and goes outside to answer it.

"Lissy? Are you okay?" Sam worriedly asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm fucking great." She groans in pain.

"Go ahead. Put him on. Hey. Hey, big guy. How you doing? Now, no, no. Listen, daddy's really busy right now, okay?" They hear Cole say.

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