003. shapeshifter alpha and baby

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Jacob and Natalie moved to an apartment that's closer to Bobby's, figuring it'd be best for Libby to have more familiar people around. When they told Libby that she wasn't going to live with Sam, she was upset and cried for a few hours, the promises of him keeping in touch barely providing her any comfort.

Larissa is currently at Jacob and Natalie's when the doorbell rings.

"I got it!" Larissa calls. She goes to the door and opens it, freezing at the sight of Sam.

"Oh. Uh... hi." He says.

"What the fuck?!" Jacob and Natalie hear their friend yell.

"Um... I have a feeling I know who's here." Natalie winces.

"Why didn't we tell her again?" Jacob asks.

"Cause we wanted her to kill him and not us." Natalie says.

"Right." Jacob nods.

They leave the twins' room, the babies thankfully still napping despite Larissa's shout. They go into the living room, finding Larissa watching Sam and Libby hug, an incredulous look on her face.

Hearing them walk in, Larissa turns to them.

"What the fuck is this?" Larissa asks, pointing to the boy twin.

"Um... it's Sam." Natalie says.

"I see that. What the fuck is he doing here? Wasn't he in Hell?" Larissa asks.

"Uh, yeah... he-- he's kinda been back for a year." Jacob informs.

"What?!" Larissa yells

"Hey, hey, twins. Please." Natalie whispers, holding up the baby monitor.

"I don't care. A year?!" Larissa looks between them.

"Nat, Dean, and I have only known for, like, a week or so." Jacob says.

"A week?!" Larissa exclaims. "What the fuck?"

"It-- we've been busy." Natalie weakly defends.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Larissa asks, repeatedly hitting Jacob with each word.

"Ow. Ow! Why are you only hitting me?" He complains.

"Because he's got a kid attached to him and she-- well, she currently doesn't have anything, so I don't know. But I grew up with you. What the fuck, Jacob?"

"I'm sorry. I-- I was supposed to be on the other side of the country when you found out." Jacob says. Larissa rolls her eyes.

"Look, I-- as much as I'm loving this reunion." Sam says. "Um... I came for an actual reason. It's in the car."

"What's in the car?" Natalie asks.

"A case. Something, uh... something you guys need to see." Sam states.

~ ~ ~

"A baby?" Jacob asks.

"You left a baby in the car? Sam, what the fuck?" Natalie asks.

"Wh-- I needed you guys." Sam says. "So... you in?"

Natalie quietly groans, rubbing her temples.

"I'm in. Maybe if I spend time with you, I won't wanna kill you as much." Larissa remarks.

"Guys?" Sam looks at the couple.

"We-- we have kids." Jacob says. "One which is yours."

"They can come." Sam shrugs. "We'll just take two cars. Plus we know Libby will wanna come if it means she gets time with me."

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