''You know the other women are very scared of being called into the King's chamber , I heard that he is so rough and might even choke them to death''
Ida was not interested in any word Marion was saying about the king.
For her he was just another man and she was not mentally ready to go through all of that again.
But she let her go on about it anyways as she kept staring at her chess board were only the black pieces were to move , as if the ghost who was supposed to play with the white pieces was not there.
''They say it became this way since his wife left him , such a poor man right ?''
She said it with no emotions , Marion even smirked at the thought of the King being in love with a women that left him.
Ida did not say a word yet , she knew her friend still had a lot to talk about.
''But people like me and you , we have seen a lot of people like this King Leo right ?''
Marion's eyes looked deadly hurt for a minute but she was still smiling widely.
''You and me , we are cursed Ida''
She said standing behind Ida who was still on her old wooden chair.
Marion grabbed her neck gently up and looked into Ida's eyes and her face that was still as expressionless as ever that you would wonder what kind of pain can turn a beautiful being into burnt ashes.
Ida finally spoke.
She softly smiled as she said those few words.
''I will end our curse''
She said holding her friend's cold hand that was shaking.
''You do not have to do anything , I will try and find us a way towards freedom''
Marion said and her eyes sparkled like usual , they do whenever she thinks about being set free.
''What will you do if we can be free with our lives ?''
Ida asked.
Marion took a deep breath before replying,
''I want to fall in love with someone who loves me for me , someone who knows nothing about my past and how I have been used my whole life or else he would be disgusted right ? I want to live in a small town , in a nice house with a beautiful garden , I want to be happy''
As much as Ida seemed cold , she had a warm heart , her eyes went teary as she smiled for a second,
''This sounds very nice''
''What about you Ida ? what do you want ?''
Marion asked and Ida smiled replying...
''Ezra , where is Asher ?''
Elmer asked because it has been a while since he joined them , Ezra did not know what to say and did not want to say unnecessary thing to worry Elmer.
''He is quite busy with other duties , am I no good your majesty ?''
Elmer giggled replying ''You are calling me that now''
And then he went back to focus on the book in his hands which made Ezra relieved.
Louis walked in on them right after that , Ezra greeted him.
''My prince''
It was their first time talking,
''You must be Ezra''
Louis as he handed him his hand.
Ezra was a little surprised but he went with the handshake , then Louis walked towards Elmer
''Louis , why are you here ?''
''I came to tell you that you better go back to the woods''
The second prince said.
Elmer was surprised as he asked,
''What do you mean ?''
And Louis started to explain.
''Leo is suspecting something , I know he is watching your every single move somehow and you just stopped going there and this is just no good , you can take your books and go on your usual pace , prove to him that nothing changed and that you are not a threat''.
Ezra did not expect that coming out of Leo's son , he was definitely nothing like him at all and what he said made so much sense.
''I have to go now , Edmund's dance class is about to end''
Louis said.
''Dancing ? since when did Ed have a dancing class ?''
The first prince wondered.
''Since today , there will be a Ball soon''.
Elmer was surprised , they had never held a ball since his father was alive , Louis himself just heard of it , after that they parted ways and both had a lot of thoughts in mind , what was Leo actually planning to do.
Inside the great mansion of Lord Morris Kalos who was also known for being the King's nephew , there was a little girl in her sleepwear wondering around alone at night.
She ran towards a certain room and walked in without knocking to find her sister still awake holding her pen and putting her feelings into words.
''Marina ! what are you doing here ?''
The sister got up and tried to hide those letters with anything that was next to her hands before she got up.
''I can not sleep , tell me a story Elina''
The little girl said with her innocent eyes as she sat on the room's large bed.
Marina sighed and decided to call it a night , she carried the oil lamp and walked towards the bed as well.
The sisters were laying next to each other telling some stories of their own imagination,
''I know you are in love with Arthur''
Those words caught Elina off guard , how does her seven years old sister know about her feeling , but she tried not to over react,
''I think he is the only one who does not know then''
She replied.
''Because you did not tell him''
Marina said.
''If I only had enough courage , like you little devil''
Elina started tickling her sister's belly , she started giggling and begging her to stop.
''Then time to sleep or else you will go back to your room''
Those words got Marina as quiet as a mouse , she even fell asleep right away.
''At least something exciting is going to happen soon enough , I can not even remember when I last danced''
Were Elina's last words before she closed her eyes and dreamed of the way she hoped things would go...

The Good King
FantasyWhen King Hiram passed away, Lydia the magical kingdom was forever changed. His son, Elmer Kalos the First, is afraid to step into the unknown and ignores his uncle's actions as the new king. Hiram's old friends have taken Leo's side, some have le...