'A Rainy Day'

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"Is that prince Elmer ?"

Edwin said while looking outside of the window

It was raining so he was not very sure

Victor ran towards the window to check

"I think it's him !"

He said

"But why is he running under the rain ?"

Edwin asked

"Maybe he's training"

Victor replied

He then looked at his friend and asked

"Shall we go see for ourselves ?"

And since Edwin was already bored he agreed.

"Where is Elmer ?"

Ezra asked

Once the two knights came back to the library the first prince was nowhere to be found.

"He said he will go see prince Edmund"

Asher replied

"But I just saw Edmund with Betty"

Ezra said

"I was with you all the time and I did not see them"

Asher said

"Because all you thought of was Aylin's words , such a good Parent"

Ezra jokingly said

Well it was true he could not even notice the little prince and the maid since his joy took the best of him.

"Let's wait for him"

The red haired knight said

"That Oliver will be coming in less than a week , I can not wait to hear Louis's plan"

Ezra complained

He was mad at Lord Oliver but at the same time scared for Elmer's life.

"What if he does nothing about it ?"

Asher asked

"You need to stop doubting him , even if you don't trust him you need to trust Elmer"

Ezra said

"I do"

He replied

Adelia finally stopped crying , Elmer was still feeling sad for hurting her but even though she did not put it into words she never blamed him at all.

"Do you want to go and see Marion ?"

The prince asked

"I can ?"

She immediately asked back

"Yes , I will get you out of here as well and you can stay with her for a while"

He smiled replying when he saw the spark in her eyes again

"What about you ? the king , he really hates you and wants to hurt you"

She said as her hands shook in fear

"I will be alright , you need to trust me"

The prince replied as he held both her hands in hopes she feels safer.


Before she said anything Elmer sneezed

His clothes were still wet and he had to go back immediately to change into warmer clothes.

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