'Out Of Those Walls'

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"Was the food not to your liking ?"

Laura asked.

"What ?"

Hawk who was deeply thinking of something else was brought back to reality by her words.

"I am not hungry"

He then replied.

Gladly the prince was doing well after eating which made Hawk more at ease.

"You know , when I saw his eyes back then in the market I thought 'Whoaaa this man is so princely' I did not expect him to actually help me"

She expressed herself.

Hawk looked up at those shiny stars before he replied,

"I think he looks that way too"

'So princely describes him very well' He smiled at his own thoughts.

"I am sorry"

She said before she ran back towards her people who were still sitting around the fire , having fun with the prince.

'I should probably go see Ivor soon' He thought.

Right behind those great walls and inside the royal palace , a man was troubled like no one else.

This time he did not have time to look down from the edge of his balcony and pray God to take his soul.

Ivor was drown in a lot of work because tomorrow would be a great day , all the Kalos's members would be there and he was the one who organized everything just like the ball's day.

One guard was watching the sunrise while heading to his position because soon the gates will be opened again.

"Since the first prince ran away we have been stuck inside"

His friend complained.

"I am glad that I can finally go back and see my son"

The man said as he smiled.

"How old is your son again?"

His friend asked.

"He is turning five soon"

The father replied.

Everything was so peaceful that day and everyone wished for the best.

"You will not cook anything today ?"

Betty asked.

"No , I have to go now"

Aylin replied and she seemed in a rush.

"Wait ! Eat something"

Betty shouted which made the Petrian step backwards.

"An apple will do"

She said , picked up a red one out of the fruits basket before she ran outside of the kitchen.

'She reminds me of the prince sometimes' Betty thought to her self.

She then held her hands tight and close to her chest , closed her eyes and silently prayed for him.

"Aylin !"

The little prince left the maid and ran towards the red haired girl once he spotted her from afar.

She stopped for few seconds to give him a quick hug but then apologized,

"I have to go now Edmund , Let's play later I am sorry"

"Alright !"

He replied.

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