'Happy Cottage'

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The second prince made it into his room and did not expect to not find her in there and his guess was right.

He started taking off his boots then clothes before walking into the shower.

His body was drowning under that warm water but his mind was lost elsewhere, once he was out of breath he got his head out of the water to take in a deep breath before he sighed.

His golden hair that was wet and put down, his sleepy blue eyes that lost the spark in them long ago and finally his tired soul that could not heal.

Louis stepped outside of there right after drying his hair and body then wore his clothes.

He stepped outside of his room heading towards Edmund's.

Once he opened that door and saw the both of them his heart could not help it but feel at ease as if he did not have to survive one of the toughest days of his life.

He heard the red haired girl's soothing voice as she was reading that one fantasy story for the little prince who was already in love with it.

His excited expression showed just how much he put his whole heart into listening to that one story because it was his favorite one of all times.

''The boy was very happy that the flower bloomed again and got back its magic but this time he promised to protect it well with all of his strength so that no one could never use it the wrong way ever again, The end''

She said.

His eyes turned sleepy by the time her sentence came to and end and so all she could do was to make sure he was well covered in his blanket since the nights were still cold.

Louis walked towards Edmund and patted gently on his head as he whispered ''Good night'' before turning the lamps off and quietly leaving the room.

They smiled at each other once they got out of there as if they were happy he was able to sleep since it would usually take them way longer than that to put the little prince to sleep.


The red haired called trying to make his friend stop, it did not work and so he decided to stop chasing after him.

Asher knew that Ezra will come to him after he is done dealing with his unstable emotions.

He tends to run away from everything then comes back acting as if nothing happened and Asher hated it, he wished Ezra would actually be brave enough to face it.

'Why is he an idiot ? why can't he just listen to me for once ? he could at least tell me what is on his mind'

Ezra thought to himself as he finally made it to the curtain wall he always sits by while thinking.

The starry night sky was brighter than ever for some reason, looking up at the sky did remind him just how small he actually is.

''You will die tragically if you keep this up''

Where Asher's words to the king's advisor after Ezra left the room.

Ivor was speechless and expressionless for a while after hearing those words, he then started slightly smiling as he replied,

''I would not mind at all''

The red haired knight could feel the unbearable pain the man in front of him was dealing with but since Ivor did not want to be saved, there was nothing he could do to help yet he had to let him know a little something before he left.

''Ezra would not leave you alone until you tell him everything so you better make up your mind very soon, things might get messy sooner than expected''

Asher left the room leaving Ivor all alone in there, he was confused but at the same time those words made sense to him.

He wished he could get it out of his chest as well but it was not that easy for him, at that moment he realized that something inside was and will forever be broken.

For away from the palaces walls and near a small village there was a cottage right by the dandelions field.

The laughs of those people were to be heard from afar.

Venator and Hawk did not seem to enjoy peeling the vegetables but they did not have another choice, Mary and Alma were cutting them, Gilda was checking on the soup, she just felt like adding some more Bay leaves and she looked very satisfied after she tasted it.

The rest of the girls, Larica, Luna and Ida were making some bread together.

It was when Ida realized just how bad she was at cooking but that was just because she had never really cooked before.

She was enjoying it and wished to get better at it one day.

The first prince was of course watching them from a short distance since he was not allowed to help no matter how much he wanted to.

And Gilda's mad face was too scary for him to ever ask again.

'This feels so peaceful' Elmer thought to himself.

He was a little curious about how everyone else he cared for was doing but all he could do was praying that they were well.

After a while they all gathered together for the dinner they just made.

Elmer got lost on the night's view as he sat next to the window watching the outside as if he was longing for freedom, he did not know why he felt that way but it was troubling him very much.

He could not notice that everyone else was already done eating and helping with the dishes.

''Are you alright ?''

Mary interrupted his thoughts when she asked.

He turned facing her as he smiled brushing off his worried expression replying,


She did not move and kept giving him those stares that he could not understand and so he asked,

''Did you need anything Mary ?''

She walked closer then whispered some words for the prince.

Elmer found himself laughing at that but he looked truly happy as he replied,

''That is so nice of you''

''You should do something about that''

Luna whispered into Ida's ear.

She was surprised and did not get a thing.

''About what ?''

Ida asked.

''Someone is going to steal your man''

Luna then said.

Those words made Ida's face turn red as she whispered...

''It's not like that- he is not my- my-''

She was unable of saying it.

Larica who heard them interrupted,

''Mary would never do something like that''

''You'll never know, he is a prince''

Luna said.

Ida said nothing about it, she just watched Elmer as she softly smiled at the sight of his laughing face.

As long as he was safe and sound, she would not mind it at all, him finding love in someone else...

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