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It was another peaceful night in Lydia's royal city , the moon was as bright as ever , it was very calm , no sound heard because everyone was already having some sweet dreams or maybe some nightmares.

On the roof of one of the citizens houses , some human figures were to be seen holding their swords tight , jumping from a rooftop to another one without making a sound and without being seen since they were so fast ,they each had such a huge body built and yet they moved as if they were as light as a feather.

They stopped all of a sudden as if they reached their destination and it was right by Asher's house but before they got any closer an arrow hit the forehead of one of them and his body fell down at once , they could not even see or react until another man was dead because of another arrow pointed right into his heart.

That slender body that was wrapped in black showed up out of nowhere behind a man and cut his throat , the only thing you could see was that person's sharp eyes that shined in the moonlight , they looked so dead and cold as if they were born to kill in every possible way.

There was still only three men left in there , they all ran towards the dark knight at once pointing their swords on him hoping they would at least scratch his skin but he moved even faster than them , that his sword ripped their guts and the part of his face that was shown became covered in that red colored liquid.

The dark knight moved the bodies one by one and buried them in the forest behind the palace's walls which took few hours of hard work , once he was done with the last body , he finally took off the dark mask and hood to let that silver hair out , Aylin took a deep breath before she decided to walk back home.

Asher came back from his night watch , walked into the library and heard those familiar voices , he softened and almost smiled until he heard that word...

''I wonder what Petra is like since it's the most powerful kingdom now right ?''

He stopped and decided not to walk in for now , Ezra replied,

''Petra was built by blood , their king is so heartless and their politician relations are so bad with all of the other kingdoms''

Elmer knew from Ezra's expression that Petra's king must be worse than Leo and so he decided not to ask about it anymore.

Right after this Asher walked in and interrupted,

"It's late my prince , go to sleep''

He said as he pointed at the door behind him,

''Yeah , you need to sleep so that you can wake up early''

Ezra patted Elmer's head with a bright smile , just like that he left after wishing them a good night and their expression turned serious once he walked out of that door , Ezra immediately asked,

''What happened ?''

He really can see right through his old friend who remained silent and only looked into his eyes.

Aylin walked into the house and took off all her black clothes , she walked into the shower to wash the blood off her body , something was different , the way she smiled and acted in front of Asher was nothing like the dead expression she had , she was more and more unhuman , a killing machine with no mercy.

She walked up stairs , sat on her bed and started reading that one book , she didn't even bother drying her hair , and the window was still open , the sun rose and people's voices and movements started to be heard , the royal city became as lively as ever and Aylin's eyes were finally closed as she slept holding into that book.

''They are so adorable together aww''

Said one of the maids to her friend,

''My eyes are blessed''

Replied the other female with such a bright smile as they both watched Louis and Edmund from afar.

''This one is called Aster and this one is Lily and ...''

Edmund was in the garden showing his older brother every single flower he has and naming them one by one,

Louis was actually enjoying himself at some point , not because he likes flowers or plants but because Edmund's bright smile made him feel a lot better and as much as it scared him , it made him forget about his fear.

The second prince had a lot on his mind , he has not even had a proper talk with Elmer yet and he does not know what to do , for now all he wants is some peace even if he just fools his mind into believing that everything is alright until he figures something out of it all,

''Louis , Louis ''

That adorable child interrupted those thoughts,

''Are you not feeling well ?''

After all his worried expression just had to show up that his little brother noticed,

''I am fine , oh what about this one ?''

He smiled and brushed it off and their talk about flowers kept going for few more hours.

''This is Emporia''

Elmer sounded a little unsure saying those words,

''No this is Oraios''

Ezra pointed at Lydia's south then east north as he kept explaining...

''Emporia is our commercial capital , it's right here , can you even read a map ?''

He teased the prince and got him between mad and embarrassed yet all he got as a reply was...

''I am trying you know''

Which got Ezra to smile and realize how fast his prince is changing.

A light blonde short haired girl was walking upstairs on the other side of the palace , where the ceilings were not golden and every corner surrounding her was only grey yet she was wearing her wide smile with every step she took forward until she made it to that one little room in the corner.

It was so dark so she ran to open the window at once before she turned to complain at the other female that was sitting on the chair with the chessboard on the table she was facing while playing alone.

''Ida , you're at it again , how many times do I have to tell you living like this will not solve anything''

Ida did not say a thing but she stopped playing and turned to face her old friend,

''But we have nothing to do"

She said.

Right after saying those words before she looked into that female's eyes and said with her lovely voice.

''What is it Marion ?''

Which got Marion to smirk , her wide smile obviously hid a lot...

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