'The Sleeping Prince'

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''The prince has been very busy lately''

Ren said while watching Betty prepare breakfast.

''That's because he is engaged now''

Betty replied.

''What is engaged ?''

Reina asked.

Betty smiled replying,

''It means he found someone that he wants to be married to''

''He will get married ?''

Ren asked

''Yes , he has been writing and receiving a lot letters from princess Elina''

Betty said then added.

''Now , you two stay here , I will be back soon''

As she walked towards the kitchen's door holding that plate heading to see the prince.

Her smiled dropped , she can not keep doing this anymore , faking it all in front of them is so hard , especially that she is the one taking care of them and they follow her around all the time.

She only used the second princess words , acted as if she does not know and fed them many lies that showed them how much prince Elmer was being controlled by Leo's actions.

Betty still felt sorry for them since they are so little to know what is going on around them , she wished that one day they will wake up to realize how life works and that the slap would not be so hard on them.

Venator's mask hid his swollen face that has been punched a couple of times by the red haired knight , he took a deep breath before knocking on that chamber's door.

''Come in''

Leo said.

The hunter stepped forward and kneeled for his king , for him it was not a hard choice to make , whether to lie or not especially after he saw Louis's expression that looked more evil than the man in front of him.

''Actually I do not think any of them is willing to cause your majesty any kind of trouble but if you still want me to end them I would not hesitate doing so''

Were Venator's words

Leo knew that killing them will only draw more attention towards him and that the Kalos members might not keep quiet about it and stand up against him if not also followed by the people that are already sick of his doings and so he replied...

''Keep watching them , especially Louis''

''Yes your majesty''

Venator replied

The hunter then was given the right to leave and just like that another person was forced by the four to lie to the king who believed he was winning.

''Who are you ?''

Louis said

Sadly he was not the prince she was expecting , Ida was not able to reply for a while out of shock before she finally spoke...

''I was wondering if prince Elmer is doing well''

He looked at the female from head to toe trying to read her mind , she was definitely defenseless and looked honest but he could not find out how the two actually know each other.

''I can not let you see him right now''

He simply replied before trying to close the door that she stopped with her hand which was not very smart since she got hurt but gladly he did not slam the door or else her hand would have been broken.

''Are you insane ?''

The prince asked.

Of course he would not let a stranger into his cousin especially not when he was badly injured and is left in there defenseless.

''Just for a minute''

Ida as her eyes begged for it, she just wished to see him for few minutes.

The second prince stood there for a while and tried to think of all the possibilities , what might be for their good or not and came up with the conclusion of letting her see Elmer.

''Follow me''

He said as he stepped outside of the room , holding the lamp in his hand , he led the way towards his room where the sleeping prince was.

Louis stood there watching her face turn dead while seeing Elmer's condition , her eyes were sad as if he meant the world to her.

The second prince then noticed the collar on her neck to realize that she is a king's property which was no good.

He assumed that she has not turned eighteen yet and what he could not understand was how do they know each other and since when ?

When he finally thought he has everything under his control , seeing someone that was never a part of his plan was not very pleasant to the second prince , he needs to know if she would be useful and if not he needs to get rid of her somehow.

As his thoughts got the best of him Louis did not realize that a minute ended a long time ago and that Ida was actually leaving.

Once they stepped outside the room she asked,

''Can I come back tomorrow my prince ?''

''I guess''

Louis replied.

He thought that it would be better if he keeps his eyes on her and see what happens.

She then bowed her head and was on her way to leave.

It was a very cold night , General Alexander was drinking inside that chamber by himself , pretending to think of Leo's offer while he has already made up his mind a long time ago , he kind of longed to the old days when he used to train Prince Hiram along with Asher, Ezra and Ivor.

They were very young back then and competed on everything but Ivor was winning most of the times.

It seemed like he was not even trying but to those who knew him they could tell how much time he spent training alone somewhere just so that he can keep  up with them.

''Those were some good days''

Alexander as he giggles happily at that memory and took another sip of his glass.

No one was able to just close their eyes and rest their minds that night , each of them had his own worries but time never stops for the sake of humans and so the sun rose calling for a new day.

His golden hair shined as the sun rays slipped through the window , he finally moved his right hand's finger before opening his eyes.

Elmer looked around him for a while to realize he was in Louis's room.

He then tried to get up and even though his arm was still hurting, he did just fine , he got up and walked towards the window staring blankly at the sky as he said...

''I'm so weak''

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