'You Are Free'

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"What ?"

Marion was surprised and thought that she might have miss heard something.

"I told you we can get you out of here tonight"

Ida said once more.

"Why ?"

Marion replied.

"What do you mean why ? So that you do not have to serve king Leo in any way when you turn eighteen"

Was Ida's saying.

"You really are very innocent Ida"

Marion said then took a deep breath before adding,

"I have nowhere to go to outside these walls , I might starve to death , I might be sold around again or even worse , why would I want to leave ?"

Those words were too much for Ida's heart , she wished she would not hear anymore but Marion kept talking.

"I give up"

Ida found herself raising her voice in anger for the very first time.

"But you have a dream , you said you want to live in a nice house with a garden and fall in love and be happy right ?"

But Marion's reply was very painful.

"They are called dreams because at some point we wake up and have to accept the reality"

Ida's heart was hurting as if someone was stabbing it with a sharp knife , especially after seeing the tragic expression Marion had on her face , that girl was broken.

"But I appreciate what you did for my sake , come here"

Marion as she opened her arms for Ida who was actually crying again without realizing it.

She hugged Marion tight and wished she can take her pain away but her friend was way behind just a pain , she lost herself and once you do even if you find it again , you will never be the same.

Aylin showed up as promised and found Elmer waiting.

"Where is the 'someone' that I have to carry ?"

She asked.

"I do not know , can you take a look for me ?"

Elmer asked.

"What is the Target's name ?"

Aylin asked.

"Stop saying target , her name is Marion"

He replied.

"Aylin will bring Marion no matter what"

Once she said those words she vanished as if she was never there.

Her speed was unbelievable , she climbed to the rooftop and tried to find any clue , she then noticed those two females and rushed towards them.

Ida and Marion were both crying when they heard her voice

"Are you Marion ?"

Aylin asked.

They were very surprised not only because they did not see her coming but they could not hear her footsteps at all.

The girls wiped their tears and then Marion said,

"Am Marion why are you asking ?"

Aylin did not say a word but immediately carried her and rushed back towards the wall so that she can get her outside.

Marion was screaming and asking for help.


Ida ran following them not knowing what was going on , Aylin finally saw Elmer and so she landed and put Marion back on her feet.

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