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The palace's quiet atmosphere of little joy was all over the place.

From the front garden, to the courtyard. From the empty ballroom to Edmund's classroom.

Yet the outside was getting louder.

With four carriages arriving in the middle of the day.

The palace's gate was wide open, welcoming them.

Breaking the silence, taking away some of the colors of joy, because of the hopeless faces that got out of each carriage.

A lot of cries, screams, runaway attempts which made the guards act violently towards those kidnapped women who did not choose to be there.

Alexander and Asher were standing close, Leo was not trying to hide it no more.

The kind of monster he was became a known fact to each and every person in that kingdom.

"He is declaring war against a prince"

The General said in a disappointed tone.

The red haired knight said nothing yet his thoughts were louder and better not be spoken.

The man who took away his dearest friend was about to do the same thing with Elmer which he just could not stand.

"You know Leo always gets what he wants"

Alexander then added.

"Not this time"

Asher replied.

His words did take the older man by surprise.

Yet he did not respond to them and just smiled at how determined Asher looked.

"Well, let's hope for the better"

The General then said.

While Louis and Aylin were planning something secretly, a knocking was heard on their door.

The Petrain who was so focused was caught by surprise yet the prince did reassure her with his words.

"It's Betty"

Louis whispered before allowing the lovely maid in.


Aylin smiled welcoming her friend but once she saw her scared face she knew that something must have went terribly wrong.

"What happened?"

The second prince asked in concern.

"Four carriages just arrived to the palace"

Betty said.

And her words did not need any further explanation because her face spoke enough.

Louis slammed his hand on the table in front of him. He looked furious.

'I don't know what to do? what's going on with that monster?'

He thought while anger blinded his vision. He felt lost. More than usual.

With things getting out of his hands and Leo's unknown plans, everything felt overwhelming.

The prince could only think if the worst case scenario, the one with a dead Elmer as a final chapter.

"What shall we do?"

Aylin asked, touching his shoulder gently for a second, which brought him back to his senses.

The silence after her question was longer than expected, he was fighting his own self to come up with the most convenient solution.

A solution for once and all.

The Good KingWhere stories live. Discover now