'Something Interesting'

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"I did what you asked for"

Venator said

"Good , did Leo say anything about Elmer ?"

Louis asked


Was the hunter's reply

"Then what did he say ?"

The second prince asked

"He asked me to keep an eye on you"

Venator's words left Louis speechless as he allowed him to leave and report anything Leo says or does in front if him.

"Keep an eye on me ?"

Louis wondered to himself before he laughed hard before saying...

"I am the one keeping eyes on you"

The first prince was relived after hearing from Asher that Venator ended up doing as they say , he was a little bothered that they did not allow him to leave the palace since he just woke up.

They were all happy and glad to have him back safe and sound.

That Thursday's night inside the first prince's dark room where only the night sky's light reflected on his face Elmer was not able to sleep at all , his body just would not listen to him at all , he could not stop thinking about how weak he is and how much he hates it but also he was looking forwards to tomorrow since Aylin promised to help him train even if they all are against it.

While he was watching that night's full moon someone knocked on his door , he was very surprised since he was not expecting anyone but still walked towards the door to see who it was.

Ida was holding a lamp in her hand and when she saw him she felt very happy and did not know what to say.

"Ida , come in"

The first prince said

She walked in as he closed the door quietly.

"Are you alright ?"

Ida asked

"I am alright , sorry for worrying you"

He replied with a soft smile

Even though he did not look fine , he had a lot on his mind , he walked towards the window followed by her.

Ida's eyes shined in the moon's light , it was way too bright for the prince to handle and so he tried to keep looking outside of his window.

"The moon is very beautiful"

He said

"It is always beautiful isn't it ?"

She replied

He was out of words when he remembered that Elina wrote for him and inside her letter was a special one from Marion to Ida and so he went to get it from the drawer for her.

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