Ezra was doing his night watch as every night while thinking of what Asher told him before , it was worrying him and he started to regret pushing Elmer into wanting to be a King just so that they can get rid of Leo and improve Lydia's situation.
In the library that night right after the first prince left , the two old friends had such a serious talk.
''What happened ?''
Ezra wondered , he saw right through the man in front of him who seems expressionless most of the times , he was obviously worried.
''It's Ivor''
Ezra knew just by hearing that name that they got themselves into a serious situation.
Even though Ivor was his childhood friend and they came to the palace together trying to reach those dreams that were too big in their small village but ended up taking Leo's side after Hiram's death and they never spoke since then.
Ivor now is Leo's one and only advisor , he does everything the king asks for and since their training days no one was as strong or as powerful as Ivor was.
''I heard him talking about the first prince with few knights , asking many questions like since when did he go out and if he only goes to the woods , he even asked if he had any kind of weapon from a dagger to a sword''
They were both very worried about the first prince because even if Leo doesn't see Elmer as a threat if Ivor defines him as one then he will be dead for good.
''This is getting serious now , what are we going to do ?''
Ezra asked as he tried to remain calm , now that it came to this point there is no going back.
''I do not know , I will keep and eye on Ivor , if it gets any more dangerous then we will have to send Elmer away , we have to protect him''
Asher replied.
Ezra looked at him as if he was trying to say something without really having to put it into words , something that might change their whole situation once and forever and Asher realized what his friend was trying to say and immediately replied,
''You know she can help us !''
He was better off keeping his thoughts to himself because those words got Asher really mad that he raised his voice for the first time and his expression was really scary,
''I said no''
Yet Ezra had a point to prove there and he was not willing to stop just because of few rejections,
''Listen , I lover Aylin too but don't you see how much we need her right now ? she can kill hundreds of men in few minutes alone''
He was almost whispering the last part since Aylin is supposed to be a secret that only three people in all Lydia knows of.
Asher who became the father of that lonely girl somehow , did not want to see her kill or even hold a weapon and they made their promise three years ago , he believes that she kept it and he needs to keep it too.
''I need to protect her''
He replied giving Ezra the look of this talk is over and never to bring up ever again but the reply he got was really unexpected...
''She does not need your protection Asher , she even caused that scar and almost took off your right eye''.
Right after he said that , he realized how bad he messed up , and wished to take it back because Asher didn't even look at him or say another word , he just left him in there alone and Ezra did not dare to call out his name out of shame.
Elmer went back into his room after a tiring day to find Louis laying on his bed , reading a book and he seemed to be waiting for quite a while,
''You are finally back , we need to talk''
The first prince sat down at once as if he was saying I'm all ears and Louis put the book away,
'' You spent this week in the library , Lydia's maps , Lydia's history , Lydia's weak and strong points , previous kings notes , anything uncle Hiram left , you want to know it all''
Elmer didn't want to interrupt , he didn't even know what he would say in such a situation , the second prince has always been smarter than anyone else and that was not surprising , once a thing is out of place he would be the first to notice.
''Do you want to kill Leo ?''
The first prince was surprised by the words he just heard that he even panicked for a moment there but once he saw Louis's serious expression he decided to think about it right away and give him an honest reply.
He wants to be King , killing Leo will for sure be one of his solutions but he never though of killing anyone before not even that man.
'I just want to take him down' Elmer thought
But he knew that he is not qualified yet , not even close to be , but of course he will have to get rid of Leo at some point of his journey.
''No but I will make him suffer''
He found himself replying with such a confident spirit , his voice was steady , he didn't shake in fear since he finally found what he was born to do , he is finally able to change the person he sees in the mirror.
''You must tell me before doing anything , I will help you come up with a plan so that we do not all end up dead and for now just focus on learning more since you skipped history class when we were children''
Elmer was surprised and happy that Louis chose his side , but at the same time he was worried , if he gets him involved in this , there will never be any going back.
Louis on the other side has always longed to seeing his so called father dead and wished for Elmer's answer to be 'Yes' but he does not mind seeing Leo as miserable as he can be and since the second prince has never been very good with physical battles he was certain that in any mind game he would win.
''Thank you , let's protect Ed together !''
Elmer replied
Louis then started telling him how he felt about it all , they realized as they talked it out that it was less and less scary.
''For someone who used to run into the woods and come to me proud about his hunting trips , I expected you to start by learning how to fight , you sure are excellent when it comes to archery but a fight for the throne goes with a sword , I bet it's Asher and Ezra's doing''
Louis said.
''I realized how much I am not fit for this , you would do so much better than me , do you want to be king Louis ?''
The first prince found himself asking.
His eyes were serious , it was as if he was begging Louis to tell him how he truly felt about it,
''No , I want you to be the king Elmer''.
As much as that reply lightened Elmer's path , it reminded him of how heavy this responsibility is , he had his doubts but he was never going to let them show for the sake of those who have no doubts in him...

The Good King
FantasyWhen King Hiram passed away, Lydia the magical kingdom was forever changed. His son, Elmer Kalos the First, is afraid to step into the unknown and ignores his uncle's actions as the new king. Hiram's old friends have taken Leo's side, some have le...