'Hunter Pick A Side'

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The sun was rising on Kardia as he was on his horse about to reach the first Windsor mansion that was the closest to the palace , if it is not Lord Henry.

His son Daniel was sitting at the garden's table having his breakfast peacefully when a horse's clop getting closer and closer to their house.

Ezra finally reached his aimed mansion then jumped of his house to leave that precious letter in the empty letter drop.

Daniel could not see the knight's face because of his dark cape but he had a feeling that it was a very important one since he was not familiar with the person delivering it.

'Alright I still have four left' Ezra to himself as he started heading towards his next Windsor.

''Unknown sender and no address''

Daniel to himself as he he gazed at that letter , he then walked inside the house towards his father's working room and knocked the door before stepping in

''What is it Daniel ?''

Lord Henry asked

''A letter''

Daniel simply replied

''What is happening ?''

Venator fiercely wondered as he found himself tied tightly to a chair surrounded by three innocent looking young people , the two princes that were on his targets list and a pretty girl that defeated him with her bare hands and a single punch.

''Can I keep this one please ?''

Aylin said to him while admiring one of his daggers that had a silver dragon engraved on it.

''His arrows are very different than mine , who made these ?''

The first prince said

While the two where impressed by his weapons Louis interrupted

''Focus !''

Now that they have him there , the next step was to convince him into taking their side , Louis believes that if they do that then Leo will fully believe that they are not a threat , because not only the hunter he sent found them harmless but his two little spies and also his most trusted man , the advisor Ivor that has been working for the second prince recently.

Elmer put the arrows back on the table as Louis remined him that it was not the right time to be playing around.

''So who are you ?''

The second prince asked

''If the king knows of this , you will end up dead''

Was Venator's reply

''Do you think we don't know ?''

Elmer simply said

''I should have just killed him''

Aylin as she stepped closer towards him still holding his dagger.

''I think so too''

The second prince said

''But I don't want any mess in my room Aylin''

Louis added


She replied


Elmer yelled as he stood between Aylin and Venator

''Let me try and talk to him''

The first prince tried to calm down while saying that.

He believe that killing him will only cause them more trouble , Louis and Aylin stepped back without saying anything and just left him to deal with it.

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