'I Love You'

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It was getting colder as the sun started going down slowly and Hawk did not say a single word of goodbye to that walking piece of art.

He thought ignoring it might make his heart ache less when he walks away but it was still there.

''Where is Larica?''

He suddenly asked.

Hawk spaced out for a couple of minutes and turned around to only find Gilda, Mary and Alma.

''She went upstairs''

Mary replied.

He then walked upstairs as well looking for her.

Hawk opened the room she usually stays at, she likes watching the sunset.

Larica was standing by the window in a short sleeves white dress, she usually covers up all of her body whenever someone was around.

He did not expect her to show a terrified expression when she heard someone coming in.


She shouted.

Larica tried to grab the blanket that was the closest to her so that she can hide her arm's scars.

Hawk rushed towards her and took the blanket off of her hands.

''Let me see''

He said yet she was fighting back still saying no, she did not want him to see her like that, she wished he would only remember the perfect Larica he met once before, the one with no ugly scars.

Hawk was so gentle while grabbing her arms, he would never hurt her, he was just mad at himself for not noticing how she was insecure about her scars.


He said while looking into her eyes.

She stopped resisting after that and looked back into his.

Her scars did fade away little by little but they would never go away for sure.

Hawk leaned closer to her and kissed her right arm, he kissed each one of those scars while all she did was stand there speechless, she did not know what to do and all she could feel was her heart beating faster.

''You are the prettiest creature I've ever seen or heard of, so don't you ever hide anything from me, I want to see and know it all''

Hawk's words made her cry once again, she had no choice but to believe those words, how could she not when he was the one saying so.

''Larica, talk to me tell me what's hurting you''

He said while wiping the tears off of her face and gently kissing those wet pink cheeks of hers.

His heart was aching for her sake, he can not handle watching her in pain.

The sky behind them was changing, the sunset was prettier than ever. That red was fading away as the sky started getting darker.

Larica finally calmed down and was able to speak.

Since it was getting colder Hawk closed the window and walked her to the bed where he made her sit down and wrapped that blanket around her.

"Just so that you know, I just don't want you to be cold, I love this dress better than the long sleeve ones"

He said while kneeling down in front of her. She suddenly smiled but not a very happy smile.

"I know I am not pretty anymore..."

Hawk interrupted.

"That is not true, who said that??"

Larica did not want to ever let anyone know how she has been feeling.

"I just know, I don't like it"

She replied.

"You don't have to like it, I already love every part of you enough for the both of us"

Hawk said while holding her hand.

"Do you regret doing what you did back then?"

He asked and she gave an immediate response,

"No! I never regret it"

She then went back to being quiet which made him beg for her to tell him what she was feeling with the looks of his eyes.

"I am glad I did that, if not I would have never been free but at the same time I sometimes wish I look the same as back then"

Larica said referring to her scared body.

"You look much better for me!"

Hawk said.

"I love how you smile more and enjoy little things like watching sunsets! I can't ask for anything more than seeing you happy"

He then added.

Larica could not believe what she just heard, she never knew how much she needed to hear those words.

"So you like my body?"

She then cluelessly asked.

"I love you, all of you Larica"

Hawk said while putting her hand on his face still holding it.

Her face turned red from hearing those words and she did not know what to do but since she knew they will be apart for an unknown period of time very soon, she jumped into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Me too"

She replied.

They both drowned in each other's warmth not wanting to let go.

They then sat down facing the starry night sky while wrapped in the same blanket.

"Shooting star!"

Larica said in excitement.

"Make a wish"

Hawk said while watching her close her eyes and think deeply of something she really wanted.

"Your eyes are swollen from all the crying"

He said while touching her face gently.

"I wished for you to come back soon safely so that we can go sea the ocean!"

Larica smiled saying.

If anyone else said that he would have made fun of them for saying it out loud and probably said something like 'If you say it out loud the wish will not come true idiot'

Yet the situation was totally different that one time as he smiled softly replying,

"I promise, so stay safe and don't cry when I can not see and wipe your tears, let's go see the ocean"


That's how their evening went by.

Alma was going to look for them since it was dinner time and everyone was there already but Gilda asked her to leave them alone this time since she had the feeling that they needed to take their time talking.

Far away from that happy cottage, those four where running ahead leaving Kardia's royal palace behind their backs.

"Where are we heading to ?"

Evan asked.

Since they have been following Mirai for a while now without him saying any word.

"Pedio, it is the last place they have been seen at"

Mirai replied...

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