'One Hundred' Q&A

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Hi everyone, Lydia here and today we are celebrating 100 Chapters of The Good King. 

Thank you for the support, so today I will be answering some of your questions! YAY.

Let's start.

Q. ''Is Louis stricter than Elmer?''

A. ''When it comes to themselves they are both strict and tend to go hard on themselves, but Louis is stricter to more things while Elmer is more carefree''

Q. ''Were Elmer and Louis never close before they started working together?''

A. ''Yes, The two princes has always been close but as they grew up Louis figured he should not show to everyone else how much he cares and respects Elmer as if he did predict the future. So to answer this they have always been close!''

Q. ''What is Aylin's favorite book?''

A. ''Her favorite book is a romance novel named 'Two birds' the book belonged to Asher and it was the first book she has ever read, he used it to teach her Lydian''

Q. ''Why does Edmund love flowers very much?''

A. ''Emma, his mother was a flowers lady and his only memory of her made him grow up to love the scent of flowers which reminds him of her''

Q. '' You said Ivor loves cats, why does he not have one and did he ever have one before?''

A. ''Ivor's mother had a cat but it passed away and he could not bare the pain as a child so he thinks he should not own one''

Q. ''When did Elmer fall in love with Ida?''

A. ''From the time she bumped into him in the library, it was love at fist sight''

Q. ''Who is the strongest character in Lydia?''

A. ''Everyone believes it is Asher or Leo, others think it must be Aylin but the strongest is Ivor''

Q. ''Why does Ida use a fake name?''

A. ''Ida's real name is Adelia, she was called Ida by her uncle, her whole story will be known one day just keep reading''

Q. ''How many chapters might The Good King be?''

A. ''I have no idea, but I think less than 200 chapters would do''

Q. ''Without any spoilers, will anyone die?''

A. ''Pains me to say, yes. a couple of characters will have to say goodbye before this book comes to an end''

Q. ''Will we ever get to know about the king of Petra?''

A. ''Yes, all of the missing back stories will be out in time''

Q. ''Will the ending be happy?''

A. ''Not everyone is having a happy ending but it is a well satisfying one''

Q. ''What happened to Aylin's tattoo?''

A. ''Aylin burned her tattoo long ago so she only has the burn mark on the back of her neck''

Now let's talk about some fun facts.

1. A lot of you know how Louis still have Aylin's silver hair. Ida keeps Elmer's hair too. these two have a weird way of loving haha.

2. Edmund puts in flowers for Louis and Ivor's rooms almost every week. he also puts them in Elmer's room.

3. Victor and Edwin reminds Ezra of himself and Ivor since those two came from a small village yet had big dreams.

4. Victor looks up to Elmer since their first day of training.

5. Ivor's parents are alive and he writes to them every month. Ivor visits the village every once in a while too.

6. Ezra is an orphan.

7. Asher is a divorced man. Yes might sound insane but I will try to give you more details about this story soon.

8. Clair fell in love with Ezra from the day he came in looking for Aylin.

9. Edmund named his horse 'Iris' after the flower. He goes to see him everyday but did not get the chance to ride him yet.

10. Clair and Violet has been best friends for over ten years.

I guess 10 would do, did not expect me to do a 100 haha.

If you have any other questions please write them down.

Thank you everyone and see you in the next chapter. Enjoy! 

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