'To Like Someone Or Something'

19 11 1

That cold looking young man's eyes were pointed on the first princes moves.

The way he held his pow and arcs and how he did not miss a single shot.

"The first prince was really impressive"

Heller who was one of the few quiet trainees said.

"He looked really weak and to be honest I was not expecting him to be so good"

His friend replied.

After their training day came to an end that everyone was pretty much satisfied and the trainees headed back to their rooms.

"Thank you for today"

Elmer said.

"Tomorrow's training might not be your strongest point but do your best"

Ezra replied and Asher had nothing to add.

"I will"

Right after that the prince went back to his room , his bath was ready , Betty really found out at what time he will be back , she is impressive.

He still can not let his arm got wet so it was the only part of his body left out of the bathtub's hot water.

"Tomorrow I will do my best !"

He said.

Aylin followed Ida as asked but she never saw her heading to the king's chamber.

And Louis asked her to keep watching Ida for a while until he finds something out.

General Arden saw the letter Hawk left , it was from Lydia's king to his own.

So immediately he took his horse and decided to deliver it by himself.

Since his king Rex was expecting a letter from Lydia for a while now and he believes that it is the one.

The first prince was sitting on their usual spot waiting for Ida to come while watching the night sky by himself while smiling , he was really happy about today's training.

"Prince Elmer , sorry for being late"

Ida said as she sat next to him.

"That is alright , how have you been ?"

He asked.

"Well , how about you ?"

She asked back.


She then gave him the ointment as promised.

"Thank you"

Elmer said.

"Do you play chess ?"

She asked suddenly.

"I have not played in a while but Louis loves chess , do you ?"

Elmer asked.

"I play chess"

She simply replied.

Ida did not know if playing chess means that she likes it or not.

"Really , are you good ?"

He asked.

"How do I know that ?"

Was her reply.

"I mean , do you win often ?"

Elmer said.

"I guess not"

Ida replied.

But the truth was that she has been playing chess alone for years and so she never won or lost.

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