'My First Win'

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Inside the maid's kitchen those two girls who just became very close to each other were having so much fun talking and helping with the cooking.

Since the king's meals were only prepared by the man his advisor chose for him , Betty was responsible for the three princes meals with the help of other maids.

"Thank you for your help"

Betty said.

"And thank you for teaching me a lot of things"

Aylin replied.

"You are already so good Aylin"

She smiled complementing.

"I am not that good , I think that Louis did not like what I made him"

Aylin said.

"Really ! What did you make for him ?"

She asked.

"Just a vegetable's soup"

Aylin replied.

Betty laughed out loud as she asked,

"Did he eat it ?"

Aylin confusingly replied,


"But he hates most of the vegetables especially carrots"

The maid said.

The Petrian was very surprised and so she asked,

"So what does he like ?"

Betty smiled brightly as she replied,

"I will tell you"...

The sky was so blue that day with no clouds to be seen , no one would believe that it was raining few hours ago.

Elmer was in the stable with Silas , he looked very sad that he had to leave her behind.

"I am very sorry but I promise you that I will come back for you"

He said as he rubbed his face against hers.

Silas was sad as well as if she understood every single word he just said.

She knew he was going on his way without her.

Hawk came back from the nearest village with a new horse for the prince.

Larica was waiting for him by the entrance and so he left the horse behind eating that green grass and walked towards the girl.

"You are leaving again ?"

Larica asked.

"Yes but I will come back to you"

Hawk replied while playing with her hair as she looked down.

He then held her hand that was shaking before he touched her face to finally see her crying.

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