'Messed up day'

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Our little knights were unable of baring another day of failure which kept them awake that night as well.

But that day was a little different.

Because Hellen was able to cut the tree in half.

Most of them could not even tell what his name was since he was always quiet and standing in the back behind his only friend Elyas.

"You did it!"

Elyas shouted as he hit Hellen's shoulder who said nothing about it.

"No way, did you see that"

Victor's eyes were burning after he just saw Hellen do it and could not help but feel excited about when his turn will come.

The second prince was glad that his tree was the closest to Hellen's and even though he did not mean to, he saw it all.

'So that's how it is done'

Louis did figure out how it should work and even though his shots were more specific and stronger this time applying what he had in mind was always the hardest part.

That's how that day ended with Hellen's victory.

"I should have known, it's always the quiet ones"

Alexander said talking to the two knights who were just as surprised as him.

But since Asher has been observing each one of them he knew that Hellen was the closest to actually making it.

Louis was heading towards Edmund's room after he showered and changed his clothes.

He was carrying a new book that though the little prince might like.

He knocked on that door then walked in only to see him there.

Louis's face changed as his smile faded away, his eyes said it all, he was more than just angry.

He had the will to kill.


Edmund smiled looking towards the second prince who froze in there for a while before he faked a smile and walked closer towards the king.

He was the one reading Edmund his favorite book.

"Father, you must have more important things to do, I suggest you leave Edmund in my hands"

Louis said.

Leo smirked before replying,

"I had some time and thought I would spend it with him"

As he patted the child's head and the more he did the more Louis was about to lose it.

"How was the training?"

The king suddenly asked.

Louis did not know how to answer that, he had more important thoughts getting the best of his thoughts.

'When did he start coming here? Why is he trying to get closer to Edmund? How could I miss this? What is happening? What should I do?'

Leo thought the second prince was just ashamed of not being able to achieve anything in day two as well but that was not the case at all.

"Don't bring me shame, Louis"

Were Leo's last words before he left the room.

"Louis are you alright?"

The clueless child asked.


Louis as he sat on the bed facing his brother.

"I have a new book for you"

He added while showing him the book.

Edmund's eyes sparkled in excitement as he said,

"Please read it for me Louis!"

Even though the second prince was smiling all the time his insides were shaking.

Once He put Edmund to sleep and left the room he felt like everything was wrong.

'I feel so weak'

He thought while walking through the hallway, he did not where to go but found himself standing by Ivor's door.

He knocked before walking in.

The king's advisor smiled as he always does.

"How may I help you, Prince Louis ?"

In the middle of that night and in between that forest's trees there was a light to be seen and a smoke to be smelled.

Three horses sleeping in and three men sitting around that fire.

"We will arrive there first thing in the morning I believe"

Hawk said to the first prince who seemed to be worried.

'What if we're late?' Elmer thought.

The prince was very worried, he knew well what Venator was able to do and now they had to face four other hunters.

His worries were put to an end once that man spoke.

"I can take them all"

Venator said.

As he has been their leader for years of course he knew each one of them way too well.

Their strengths and weaknesses which was true.

His confident expression did put Elmer's worried heart more at ease.

And even though they agreed to get some rest that night was just another sleepless one since none of them was able to rest well.

"Welcome back"

The Petrian said once the second prince walked back into his room.


He called her name in an almost unheard voice, just by looking at her he felt a lot better.

"Are you alright?"

She asked,


Louis immediately replied as he stepped in and closed the door behind him.

He had a lot in mind but sadly looked exhausted with no energy left to think of anything to do or say that time.

Louis lied on his bed for the first time without showering or changing his clothes.

He just wanted to close his eyes in her presence while she was the last thing he saw before he fell asleep wishing she would be the first thing he sees the next day when he wakes up.

"Rest well Louis"

Aylin said while slowly moving her gentle fingers through his golden hair while softly smiling.

Ezra walked into his room, he did not have the time to stop by for a few days now even though it was his palace stay in knight room he preferred watching the night sky from the highest towers of that palace.

He started taking his clothes off then walked into the shower where he had a quick one, he was a little worried about Louis and the rest of the trainees since they only had three more days left before the training is over.

He saw the future in them and wished they would figure it out before their deadline.

After a couple of minutes he stepped out of there in only a tower covering his lower half and walked around the room as water was dripping on the floor.

He was using another tower to dry his hair when he noticed something.

'Is this a letter?'

He thought as he walked towards the door, leaned down to grab that piece of paper then opened it immediately.

Once he went through its content he found himself smiling as he said,

"I haven't received one of these in a long time"

It was a love letter...

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