'A King Knows'

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Hiram whispered once he started hearing a weird movement.

Both the Queen and Leo did as he asked while they all stopped and he tried to focus on finding out where that noise was coming from.

He was right after all those footsteps were definitely after them and what was worse is that they were inside the secret path as well.

"We need to get out"

Hiram said and asked them to run towards their closest exit as he followed them , the sword he hid under his cape was in his hand and once they got closer to the exit...

His mother opened that door. 

Someone was waiting right there.

It happened in a few seconds.

Him stabbing her chest.

She fell down immediately as Leo who was right next to her stood there shaking in fear.

Hiram could not believe what he just saw , Someone was after them and another person was waiting in that room , he needed to protect them as promised.

He then stepped into that room and swung his blade to cut that man's arm off.

Hiram did not look like the sweet prince everyone knew because as Leo was scared of that man's screams his brother was not bothered at all.

He took Leo's hand and moved him closer to him then hid him behind his back so that he does not see their mother who was dead.

Once the person who was following them showed up , Leo could not believe it , because that man looked so much like his friend , the same friend that showed up next to the leader as well.

"Lewin ?"

The little prince wondered in shock.

Hiram knew that he was Leo's friend and one of the trainees , just by looking into his little brother's eyes he knew... he was betrayed.

"What do we have here ?"

The leader said.

It took him a while to see his friend on the ground with his arm next to him as he was drowning in his own blood.

He was very mad and could not think before running towards the prince willing to end him but he did not expect another young man to step in and stab him.

Even though he was bleeding he did not want to accept losing to those 'children' but Hiram did not hesitate stabbing him again.

He then walked towards Lewin who was shaking in fear , Albert and Alexander finally made it in there and what they saw was the prince killing his brother's traitor friend.

Hiram, Asher and Leo were all covered in blood.

Leo kept watching those dead bodies back and forth from his mother's to Lewin's body.

Hiram then ran towards his mom , he knew that she was dead but still hoped God would give her a chance to live again but her time was over.

The king could not believe what he saw , he kneeled next to her body and put her head on his lap trying to wake her up but it was too late.

None of them was able to react since it happened so fast , the king cried and Leo too only Hiram stood there looking at her then around at the people he killed in order to make that pain go away but it did not.

The Queen passed away.

Right after her funeral Asher followed the prince to his room to make sure he gets some rest , he did not expect him to break into tears once they were left alone.

'Only if I led the way and did not ask them to run first , only if I opened that door...' Hiram thought.

He tried not to scream , kept his voice in and cried in silence because the pain was too much to bear , he loved his dear mother and just like that he had to lose her.

The red haired said nothing but sat down on the cold ground next to his friend until he calmed down.

"I do not understand Miel , how did he know they were there ? Even if he used a trainee no one knows of it but the royal family"

Albert said to Miel his advisor.

"Your majesty , I asked around about that trainee , they said that he was prince Leo's friend and that he was seen going in and out of the prince's room many times"

Miel explained.

"Call for my sons"

The king said.

"Are you alright ?"

Asher asked.


Hiram said while wiping his tears.

"This is embarrassing"

He then added while laughing it out.

"It is not , I am glad that I can be here with you"

The red haired guy replied.

The prince was also the one by his side when he lost his father and so he knows how painful it must be.

"Thank you"

The prince smiled saying.

They got interrupted by one of the guards who knocked the door before saying...

"Prince Hiram , the king asks for you"

They both looked at each other before getting up and heading towards the throne room where Albert , Miel and Leo were waiting.

Hiram arrived and walked in , he stood next to his little brother few steps away from the king.

"Father , you called for me"

Hiram said.

Leo was so out of it for many reasons , he lost his mother , his friend betrayed him , he saw many dead people for the first time and his kind older brother was the one who killed most of them with no hesitation.

"Leo , you were friends with Lewin right ?"

Albert asked.


Leo replied.

"Did you show him our secret paths ?"

The king asked.

The little prince took a while to answer that...

"We were... just playing"

Leo replied.


Albert yelled.

"And if it was not for Hiram I would have lost you too , do you see it now ? The reason why you can not be a king is because you do not know when to kill !"

The king added.

"Father , I know he was at fault but it has nothing to do with being a king , I also failed at protecting mother and-"

Hiram's words were interrupted By the king.

"At least you tried"

Leo was in his chamber sitting alone , since Elmer stopped that carriage he has been in a bad mood and some memories from the past started replaying in his head.

He got up from his bed and walked towards that mirror that showed his dark circles, messy hair and those blue eyes that were full of hate and longing for revenge.

He smirked talking to himself.

"I realized two thing that day , the first was that a true king knows when to kill and the second one was that as long as my father lives I can never be a king and so I just had to end him when the time is right"

And then a tear fell down...

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