'Welcome To Pedio'

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Venator yelled at that one young man.


He yelled back.

Some of Pedio's cottages were burned , many people who tried to save their daughters or lovers were brutally beaten by Leo's knights and every pretty young woman was taken by force even his beloved Luna.

Venator could not believe what he heard and saw , only if he came a little bit earlier , he did not know what to do since the carriage must have reached the palace by the time he was standing there and so he can not get her back from Leo.

Everyone was broken , feeling so weak and sick of their messed up situation , they can no longer live like this.

"I can see our village !"

One of the girls said.

"Me too !"

Another one replied.

"We made it earlier than what I thought"

The first prince said.

"Because we never stopped for another rest"

Hawk complained.

Elmer stopped the carriage a little far from the cottages , he did not want to interact with anyone because he did not want to reveal himself , not as a prince.

The citizens were terrified after seeing the same carriage that kidnapped their beloved ones coming back.

All the girls stepped out of it and ran towards their families and for Elmer it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

'Those who had their parents still there for them , it must be nice' He thought.

A tall black hair and beautiful lavender eyes , the hunter was too stunned to speak when he saw her in her mother's arms.

Luna was very surprised when she finally noticed him and ran to hug him.

He held her back tightly as if she was his only one , his eyes almost cried as his fear went away.

"You really came !"

Luna said.

"I did"

He smiled replying.

"Shall we leave the carriage here ?"

Hawk asked.

"I think its wood can be useful for them"

The prince replied while finally setting Silas and the other horse free.

"You did so well , thank you"

He whispered the them.

"You can ride this one and let's get going"

Elmer said.


Those happy citizens were ready to give everything they still had just to thank those who saved their daughters and so they all walked closer towards the prince right before he jumped on Silas.

Venator has seen that mere many times going in and outside of the palace and it only belonged to one person , someone he knew very well.

"Prince Elmer ?"

He wondered out loud.

No one could believe what he just said and their whispered words were all about how not possible that was.

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