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It has been a few weeks already, Elmer was training in that forest everyday for hours.

Looked like his body was healing faster than the previous time, funny how his first two stabs came from the same person, the man who was up on that tree watching him shoot his arrows and swing his sword.

''Want to join me?''

Elmer asked.


The hunter gave an immediate response.

He has promised himself not to ever stand against the first prince.

''I can join''

Hawk said while walking towards Elmer.

He had his sword in hand and so did the prince so with no further talking their fight started.

Hawk was not giving it his all since he knew that Elmer was not fully healed, the prince knew that and so he put all of his strength into each attack to push Hawk into taking him more seriously.

Their swords kept clashing as their match was going equally until Hawk swung his sword behind Elmer for just a second. It looked like a useless move until Elmer's hair tie was cut and his hair slipped down.

Hawk started laughing as the prince complained,

''That is not fair!''

He had no spare tie and so his hair had to stay down for a while which was not very comfortable and since he always had it left up or hidden by his hood he never noticed how long it's gotten until that moment.

''I need a hair cut''

Elmer said while looking at his own golden hair.

''You sure do, imagine losing because of your hair''

Hawk said while still giggling.

''By the way Hawk, I think it's about time''

The prince's words and serious expression made Hawk stop for a second before replying,

''I think so too''

''Tomorrow morning it is''

Once Elmer said that the hunter jumped down from the tree,

''I want to join you''

Venator said.


Elmer replied.


Hawk yelled.

''We will need every possible help''

The prince simply replied.

Even though Venator had no idea about the letter Hawk received but he knew that they were facing something, something he was not ready for.

''Ivor said that the hunters coming after us are his friends''

Hawk's words made Venator's expression change instantly as he asked,

''What hunters?''

It was when Elmer stepped away and let Hawk explain what Ivor's letter was about.

Venator could not believe that he will have to fight his own friends but he already made his decision long ago and nothing was going to change it.

''So are you still coming?''

Hawk asked.


Venator replied.

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