They say that about seventeen years ago , something horrible happened in Petra.
The king asked for a one thousand new born from his people and of course no one would just give their children away and so they left him no choice but to take what he wanted by force.
Many villages and cities were sat on the fire his knights started , everyone that resisted died or survived to tell how they lost everything that night.
The next day all the children were presented in front of him , their cries were heard from outside of the palace but he enjoyed what he was seeing.
''Ray , you take care of the rest''
Said the king to his right hand man Ray who replied,
''Yes My King''
Each child got a tattoo on their fragile skin , it was KM that stands for Killing Machine followed by a random number from one to one thousand.
Their training started right after they turned five.
They would run for hours by the start of the day then the archery training to end the day with one to one random fights , as long as the other person can no longer get up you win.
By the end of the day and before getting them back to their dungeon only one hundred meal would be served , the strong gets to eat and the weak starves.
They were not allowed to speak or interact with each other because feelings might make them weak.
Their eyes described how much they have been through since they knew nothing of the world and they believed that they were the only ones left.
They had no education , they only knew few words 'Commence' , 'Attack' , 'Kill' and so.
Once they turned eight more than two hundred were already dead.
When it all started Rex was only twenty-five but he knew all those years of waiting will mean something one day and it happened finally because once they all turned ten years old he found someone that was different from everyone else and started to focus more and more on her training , doubling her fights , doubling her running hours , she was still surviving everyday.
The years passed by and she became the most stoned hearted person in there , and once they turned fourteen...
''This is going to be your final day of training''
Ray announced , he meant by that that it might be their last day of living because their last match was killing each other.
Once he said ''Commence''
Everyone was running to kill everyone else knowing that only one of them will walk out of there alive.
''This is the only survivor''
Said a Petrian knight said in the presence of his king.
''Which one survived ?''
King Rex sounded thrilled by what he just heard , he has been waiting for years , this would change everything , with this killing machine in his hands no one will stop him from taking over the world.

The Good King
FantasyWhen King Hiram passed away, Lydia the magical kingdom was forever changed. His son, Elmer Kalos the First, is afraid to step into the unknown and ignores his uncle's actions as the new king. Hiram's old friends have taken Leo's side, some have le...