Chapter 4

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"Go get ready for your classes," the man with a slight accent said staring at her. "You can't be late."

"Yes Sir," she nodded. Once in her room she swapped out her heels for her white high tops and quickly braided her hair. Grabbing the messenger bag that had all her books, she tossed her laptop charger into the bag then grabbed her laptop. She descended the stairs while putting her laptop into the bag. "Whoa," she gasped as she started to lose her balance.

"Watch it," a deep voice growled before she was grabbed, preventing her from falling.

"S...sorry," she whispered as she looked into the almost pitch black eyes of the man covered in tattoos.

"Okay?" he asked in annoyance and she nodded. "Watch it."

"I will," she nodded as he let go of her.

"Come on or you will be late," the man with green eyes and glasses huffed.

"Yes Sir," she meekly said as she lowered her head and followed him out the door.

"What is your first class?" he asked when he noticed her looking out the window. "How long is this going to take?"

"Oh," She broke out of her thoughts and opened her bag, "here is my schedule." She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

"You're going to be here all day?" he glared. "And what if we hadn't gotten you a freaking maid service? Then how would you fulfill your wifely duties?"

"I already have your lunch and dinner made, Sir," she whispered as she started messing with a loose string on her bag.

"What are you talking about?" he glared.

"I made club sandwiches for lunch so you could take them to work with you or just grab them when you are hungry and there is chili in the crock pots slow cooking so they will be ready in time for dinner," she explained. "Mother had her chef teach me recipes that I can have everything ready for you and I work my schooling around my duties, Sir."

"Good," he glared as they pulled up to the college. He cleared his throat then put on a smile and opened the door. "Come along, Cutie, you don't want to be late to class."

"Yes, come on Babe," the man dressed in all black smiled as he held his hand out for her to take.

"Thank you," she smiled as she placed her small hand in his. It hurt her that she knew this façade was just for the people watching but she tried to enjoy it anyway. She felt her bag being taken and she looked to see the man with tattoos taking it from her. "You're so sweet," she blushed as he smirked then glared at someone in the distance.

"Oh before I forget," the man with glasses said snapping his fingers. He gave a whistle and the golden retriever that had jumped into the car with them came racing out. He bent down and put a vest on the dog before standing, "this is Max, he will be joining you in your classes."

Max barked then rushed to her side, "Come on, show us where your class is Baby," the man in all black smirked as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"This way," she smiled as she started heading towards the building. "Here I am," she said once she reached the door to her class.

"We have some errands to run, but we will be here to have lunch with you, okay?" he smirked as he kissed her forehead.

"Here," the man covered in tattoos said handing her the bag. "Learn lots."

"I will," she nodded taking the bag, "thank you for walking me to class."

"Course," all three men said before kissing her, making her blush since it was right by her classroom door. They chuckled as she hurried inside with Max right by her side.

"Did you succeed, North?" the man with glasses asked.

"Yes, Kota, I did," the man in all black rolled his eyes, "I know what I am doing."

"Just asking," Kota chuckled. "Now let's get the hell out of here. We have things to do, don't forget Raven you have that meeting also."

"Da," the man covered in tattoos nodded.

"We have four hours before we have to be back here," Kota said glancing at his watch.

"Ugh," North said rolling his eyes, "And then we still have the brat's study groups also. This day is going to take fucking forever."

"Yep, and she has classes three days this week and five next," Kota nodded as his phone pinged. "They alternate apparently," he said, "she just sent her syllabi and program evaluation so we can know all her classes that are registered."

"Fucking hell," North groaned, "this is more your shit than mine, why must I get dragged into this?"

"Because you and Raven give off the protective possessive vibes we need right now," Kota admitted.

"This brat better be worth is," North huffed.

"You mean father connections," Raven glared as he stared out the window. North rolled his eyes and Raven smirked darkly as he played with his knife. "Da, she worth it one way or other."

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