Chapter 55

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Caroline opened her eyes and winced as the pounding in her head throbbed to her heartbeat. "Ow," she whispered as she carefully sat up.

"Hey, you're awake." She looked up and frowned in confusion, "I'm Dr. Sean Green," he introduced himself again. "Do you remember me, Miss Holloway?"

"You' Jennifer," she whispered. "You're a doctor."

"Yes Ma'am," he nodded, "May I give you a check-up? You passed out multiple times."

"I'm fine," she shook her head ignoring the pounding pain, "Have you found my daughter? Is she okay?"

He shook his head, "I'm sorry, no we haven't. Not yet anyway but we are still looking. We aren't going to give up, we will find her."

"Have you found anything that might help?" she asked as he helped her stand. "Ow, my head," she winced as she curled forward a little to hold her head in her left hand. Upon looking at the floor she noticed it wasn't the dark wooden flooring she had in her bedroom. Instead, it was a soft grey wooden flooring that went well with the lavender walls, dark-toned furniture pieces, and lounges made of what looked like soft velvet. She looked around the room, "This isn't my room."

"You are in our guest house," Sean explained. "We thought it would be best for everyone if we got out of that environment. Owen has already said that if you want you are more than welcome to stay as long as you want in this house and if you need our help we will help you start over."

"Thank you, I will think about it," she whispered as she leaned into his hold. "Right now, I would just like to help find my daughter."

"Okay, if you are up for it, I'll take you to where we are looking over your ex-husband's office things." She nodded so Sean started walking to the house. "If you need to step away at any time, just let us know."

She nodded and everyone stopped talking once Sean opened the office door. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Victor asked as he pulled a chair out for her to sit.

"A little groggy and a headache but other than that, more worried about Jennifer," she admitted.

"Your sugar is probably low," North grumbled, "I'll go make you something to eat."

She told him thanks as he left the room. "If your head is still hurting after you eat, I'll give you something for it," Sean said as he sat a water bottle in front of her that had electrolytes in it. "But let's see if some food and water helps first."

She gave a grateful smile before looking at what was laid out on the table. "Where did you get this?" She asked as she picked up an invitation that had the same emblem on it that sent her into a panic attack earlier.

"It was in that lockbox," Brandon said as he motioned to the box on the table. "We've never heard of the group and we can't find anything when we look into it."

"You're not going to," she shook her head. "The leader makes sure it's untraceable."

"What do you know about it?" Owen asked as he watched her hands trembling. "Do you need a moment, Miss Holloway?"

"Eat first," North said as he sat the plate in front of her. "Please."

"I can eat and talk at the same time, if that is allowed," she said nervously.

"Miss Holloway," Owen said as he straightened his tie, "I will tell you the same thing we told your daughter. When we made the arrangement, we were not fully aware of exactly what Mr. Watson meant by saying she would be submissive and obedient. We did not ask for a slave, that is not what we wanted. Any rules her father trained her to be we have told her not to abide by. There are no rules with us except to respect us and communicate with us. There is no reason to fear asking questions or speaking your mind. There are no punishments either. That's not how a real relationship between spouses works. It goes the same for our mother-in-law since you have proven to us that you do not think the same way as your ex-husband. We can tell you genuinely care for your daughter so that means you are now under our protection and a part of our family."

Her eyes watered as she cleared her throat, "Thank you, I appreciate it."

"Take your time," Sean warned her. "While finding Jennifer is our utmost importance, your health is also vital to us. Do not rush for our sake."

She sat her water bottle down and nodded, "I understand, what I remember may not be much help anyway. My head is still fuzzy, it's only bits and pieces and honestly, I'm not even sure it is anything important anyway."

"Anything you tell us will be important," Axel shook his head. "Any tiny thing can give us what we are looking for, I assure you."

"Well, this," she tapped the emblem on the paper, "is on the mailbox of the vacation home. Although honestly, it wasn't much of a vacation."

"What makes you say that?" Corey asked curiously.

"Well, there was something off about the TV," she frowned slightly. "It only played one movie over and over, it was rather annoying but I couldn't say that in front of him. It always left me with a headache when I would listen to it so I tried not to anytime we had to go there. Also, I never saw any women, there were always men from his work. I tried asking once and I got punished for it so I didn't ask. He warned me that the punishments on vacation would be worse than at home so I just kept quiet. Every time he told me we were going on vacation I got this sickening feeling in my stomach."

"Do you remember where this vacation was?" Silas asked.

"Well yes," she nodded as she gulped loudly, "I'm actually surprised you've never been there."

"What makes you say that, Miss Holloway?" Owen asked as he straightened his tie once more.

"Because it's right behind your property."

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