Chapter 27

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"Dr. Green."

"I see," Sean whispered back as he watched their wife during lunch. She was listening to North explain something on the menu from the restaurant that they were currently at, but she was also slightly rocking. They had both seen her do it multiple times as well as pull her thumb up to her lips before quickly dropping her hand back down to her side. "She is self soothing," Sean whispered as he pointed at something on the menu as he saw her looking at them. "We already knew she had been through a lot but it may be deeper than we originally thought."


Sean casted a quick look around and found her drawing on a napkin with a pen that Gabe had given her. She was nibbling on her bottom lip while Silas was running her hair through his fingers. "Owen, do you think? I mean, do you think it's possible? I know we've always wanted and I could just be trying to project but do you–"

"I'm not sure," Owen said honestly as he shook his head. "It's too soon to tell but–"

Sean's phone started ringing, making him groan as he pulled it from his pocket, "Sorry, I'm on call." He hit the green button and forced himself not to sigh in annoyance as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "Dr. Green. My wife?" He frowned in confusion as he turned his face to look at her. Her eyes widened as she tilted her head and looked at him with the same look. "Yes, I know where she is. No, her phone broke recently. Oh, yes, of course, I'll bring her straight in. We will be there immediately, thank you Doctor."

He hung up his phone. "Dr. Green?" she asked nervously as she twisted the pen in her hand.

"That was the hospital," Sean said as he cleared his throat. "They were looking for you."

"For me?" She asked as a wrinkle formed between her eyes, her confusion increasing. "Has one of my tests–"

"No, nothing like that," Sean quickly shook his head, soothing some of her worry. "They were trying to get ahold of you because it seems that one of the children you have visited before–"

"Oh no," she gasped as she brought her hand up to her mouth, her eyes tearing up immediately.

"I'm sorry, Jennifer," Sean spoke softly. "She is asking for you, the doctors don't think–"

"Of course," she quickly stood up and cleared her throat before tensing, "I mean, may I–"

"You never need to ask about that," Owen shook his head. "Go, we will handle everything here, go with your doctor and take however long you need to take. Just keep Dr. Green with you at all times," he paused for a second before straightening his already perfect tie, "please, Jennifer."

A soft blush appeared on her cheeks as she nodded, "Yes Sir."

"Come, Wife," Sean said as he held his hand out. She slipped her hand into his and he rushed her out of the restaurant to his car.

"Why would the hospital be calling Doc about Jennifer?" Gabe asked.

"Remember Doc saw her at the hospital visiting the children?" Brandon asked as he spun the pen she was using. "It was in the center for the children that have various life threatening illnesses."

"Fuck," Gabe whispered as his eyes teared up. "Are you fucking saying–"

"Yes," Brandon nodded, "One of her children has returned and the docs think they won't make it. That child asked for our wife and that's why they called Doc."

"Fucking hell," Gabe whimpered as he wiped at his eyes before clearing his throat. "What do we need to do when they come back?"

"I just hope it doesn't set her back," Silas murmured before taking a drink of water.

"I'm not sure," Axel shook his head. "I'd lean more on Doc knowing right now since he will be with her. Whatever he suggests we will do. The main thing will be to let her know and show her that we will be there for her anyway she needs us."

"We are willing and will obey," the group said in unison as they nodded.

It was close to ten that night before Jennifer gently sat the small child's hand on the bed, wiped a tear and slipped from the room. Sean looked up from a chart he was filling out as he saw her head to the restroom. She was holding a tissue to her nose as she continuously blinked, making him force back a groan. He knew immediately what she was doing. A noise from the room had him turning to look, the single mother was bent over the bed sobbing her poor heart out, making Sean's heart ache as well. A low radiating pain in his stomach told him that his wife was going to try her best to hold it together until she was alone in the privacy of her room. He had to figure out a way to let her know that it was okay to lean on him and the rest of the family any time she needed. This was going to be a hard habit for her to break.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the group message.

The gods and goddess have welcomed another angel



Oh damn-North

Oh no-Silas

It's not fair but at least they are no longer in pain...I guess-Axel

How is she?-Owen

Do we need to come up there?-Victor

What can we do?-Kota

Is there anything we can do?-Nathan

Is she okay?-Marc

I've got family movie night ready when you come home-Corey

I got lots candy, ice cream, new stuffed animal-Luke

I pick up when ready-Raven

I'm not entirely sure when that will be. She is holding up in the bathroom right now trying to hold everything in. She may want privacy once we get home.

I understand but she needs to know that we want to help her through this and she isn't alone. I don't want her to slide backwards after all the progress she has made-Owen

Exactly, we need to show her that we are here for her no matter what-Axel

I'll keep you updated

Sean slid his phone back into his pocket and looked back down at his chart.

Jennifer entered the hall and looked around. Sean was at the desk writing something down and she could hear the mother crying so she didn't want to disturb her right now. Feeling like she could use some air, she headed down the stark cold hallways until she was able to step outside into the brisk night air.

Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and tilted her head up to the stars.

"There you are."

Ice ran down her spine as she turned to face the speaker. "Father."

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