Chapter 29

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Jennifer looked up into the green eyes of her doctor, "I'm sorry I–"

"You were never alone," Sean shook his head as he gently pushed her hair out of her eyes. "You kept your agreement with Owen." Confusion filled here eyes so he smiled gently and explained, "I saw you leave the bathroom and followed you outside. I could tell that you needed to get out of there and figured you would want to be alone so I gave you space without leaving you completely alone. The moment I saw your father approaching I started recording in case he did something. I didn't think he would hit you, I'm sorry I didn't stop him."

It was her time to shake her head, "You didn't know and it's not the first time. I'm used to it, it doesn't even hurt."

Anger filled Sean at her admitting this fact to him, "Still, it never should have happened. It never will again, I swear it."

"I know," she whispered as he pulled her against his chest. "Feel better if you give me a check up?"

Sean smiled, "You're starting to get to know me, Pookie. Yes, it will."

"At home?" She asked nervously.

"That sounds perfect to me," he nodded. "But first, are you feeling dizzy or light headed?"

"Yes," she admitted, "but I threw up in the bathroom, it's probably from that."

"Okay, that and we missed lunch and dinner. I'll have Marc or North head down to the cafeteria and pick you up something light so you can snack in the car."

"Um," she clutched the back of his white jacket a little tighter, "If I can...I mean I would–"

"I am already handling it, Princess," Victor said as he walked over to her while slipping his phone into his pocket. "The mother will not have to worry about anything and it's in your name."

Tears filled her eyes again, "Thank you."

"Of course," Victor smiled, "it just shows how sweet and caring you are. We would only be shocked if you didn't want to."

"Come on, Pookie," Sean spoke softly as he rubbed her back, "let's get you home."

She gripped tightly to Sean's hand as he pulled her toward the parking lot. Once he got her buckled in his car, she saw North filling the spot Sean just was. He placed a bag in her lap, "Just try and take a few bites," he said. "It will help calm your stomach."

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I'll make you some soup once we get home, Baby Girl," he promised.

"May I have those chicken and dumplings you made when I had my migraine?" She asked nervously.

Warmth filled her when she saw his eyes light up at her requesting something from him, "Of course, Baby Girl, if that's what you want." She nodded, "then that's what we'll have."

The car ride was silent as Sean drove their wife home. He noticed her hand was shaking so he laced their fingers together and rested their hands on his thigh. The men remained silent as Sean gently led her into the living room once they reached their house. She curled up on the edge of the couch and wrapped the blanket that was on the back of the couch around her.

"Can I brush your hair?" Gabe asked as he sat in his chair, "get your tangles out so it won't be a problem in the morning?"

"Please," she murmured as she got up and knelt between his legs on the floor.

"Here," Silas said as he pulled her up and placed a pillow under her then went and grabbed her brush so Gabe didn't have to get up.

"Why don't you find something to watch?" Corey asked as he held out the remote. She shook her head so he started flipping through the channels.

"What's that?" She asked suddenly when something colorful caught her eye.

"Strawberry Shortcake?" Corey asked as he went back to the channel. She nodded, "you want to watch Strawberry Shortcake, Sweetheart?" She shrugged so he left it on there after seeing the looks on everyone's faces.

"It's okay," she shook her head after her nerves started to get the best of her, "it's a child's cartoon."

"Hey I love cartoons!" Luke whined, "I wanna watch this, I haven't seen it before. Corey, I demand you leave this on."

"Alright, Luke, alright," Corey chuckled. "Here," he tossed Luke the remote. "Now, no one can change it. I know how you get when it comes to you and your cartoons."

"What can I say?" Luke shrugged, "I have the best taste when it comes to watching TV."

A soft giggle escaped Jennifer's lips as she felt Gabe start to gently detangle her hair. After a couple of episodes North knelt in front of her with a tray holding chicken and dumplings and a cup of apple juice. Her eyes lit up, "Thank you."

"Of course, Baby," North smiled as he left to start making everyone else their bowls.

Gabe smirked as he listened to her hum along with the theme song to the cartoon. She hadn't made a comment on him still brushing her hair so he was going to continue as long as she let him. A quick glance told him that no one had an issue with what they were currently watching, in fact a few had smirks on their face since they were too busy watching her watch the cartoon. A few more episodes played out before Gabe felt weight against his leg.

He leaned over and saw she had fallen asleep the same way she had when she first let him start taking care of her hair. Luke picked up her empty bowl and Gabe leaned forward to kiss her hair before he quickly braided it, "So fucking cute."

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