Chapter 9

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Sean noticed that the car ride to the hospital was filled with silence. Now that he thought about it, every time she was in the car, she was silent unless someone directly asked her something. That was something he would have to mention to the rest of the family. She never touched the radio either, she just sat there and looked out the window.

"How much pain are you in?" Sean asked as he parked the car and turned it off.

"I'll be fine, Sir," she whispered as she unbuckled the seatbelt.

"Now is not the time to lie to me, Jennifer," he said sternly as he got out then rushed to opened the passenger door for her. "Come on, we need to have a discussion about you withholding information to us about your health both physically and mentally."

"Sorry," she whispered as she followed behind him.

Noticing that she was falling behind, he forced himself not to roll his eyes as he stopped and waited until she got close enough then he grabbed her hand and walked along side of her. He kept casting her glances to make sure she wasn't getting dizzy or nauseous. When her complexion paled even more than it already was, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders so she could lean against him. "We are almost there," he spoke softly.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered as a couple of tears slipped out of her eyes.

"It's not your fault," he replied as the elevator doors opened. "Come on."

She kept her eyes closed on the ride up to his floor. Once they reached his office, he helped her to the couch and had her lie down. He got a washcloth wet and placed it over her eyes before sitting down and grabbing his stethoscope.

"I'm going to pull your medical file, okay Jennifer?" Sean asked as he lifted the stethoscope from her chest and wrapped it around his neck.

"It's not going to say anything about my allergy, Sir," she whispered sadly.

"And why not?" he asked upset.

"Because they didn't want it recorded," she answered honestly as she clutched the sides of her shirt. "A perfect wife can not have any health complications." The way she recited it made him want throw something against the wall, instead he settled for rolling his eyes and making a note of it in the group chat so everyone would be aware of it.

"And how serious is this allergy?" he asked. "I have a shot that I can give you to reduce the pain."

"It's not as serious as my acidic food allergy," she clutched her shirt so tightly that her knuckles were turning white. She spoke through clenched teeth as he watched her curiously.

"What's wrong?" he asked removing the washcloth.

"Noth—" She closed her mouth and her chest jolted forward just slightly.

"Enough," he sighed as he grabbed her and carried her to the bathroom. "Throw up now," he commanded as he placed her on the floor then held her hair back.

She immediately threw up then clutched her head, "I'm sorry," she groaned.

"Quit apologizing," he demanded as she wiped her eyes. "Are you done?"

"Yes Sir," She mumbled as she took the fresh wet washcloth and wiped her face. "I'll get cleaned up."

"No," he lifted her up and supported her as he took her over to the sink to rinse out her mouth. Once she was done, he took her back to the couch. "Lay down."

Just as she was laying back down the office door opened and a nurse came in with a sly smile on her lips, "Dr. Green, I need your help with something," she pouted, "please."

"Get out now," Sean said so coldly that Jennifer had to force herself not to flinch, "You can clearly see that I'm taking care of my wife. Quit trying to cause drama or I'll have you removed from the hospital immediately."

"Being in a relationship hasn't stopped you before," she tried to protest.

"That's it!" Sean shouted as he stood. "You are fired for improper conduct! I have never been with you in any kind of context and I refuse to allow you to spread rumors in that concept. Pack your shit and get out of my hospital immediately! SECURITY!"

"What is going on, Sean?" An elderly doctor asked rushing into the office.

"Get this woman off the property immediately, Dr. Roberts," Sean said through clenched teeth. "She is trying to imply I have had an improper relationship with her in front of my wife and I refuse to allow it to happen. She is not fit to work here, and I want her removed now. I need to take care for my wife."

"Got it," Dr. Roberts nodded as he grabbed the nurse's elbow and led her out of the office, shutting the door behind him.

"I apologize for the shouting," Sean said as he knelt down on the floor beside Jennifer. "I'll go get the shot now."

"No," Jennifer whimpered. "I mean," she cleared her throat, "I mean please no."

"Why not?" Sean asked confused.

"It just makes me sick to my stomach," she admitted. "It doesn't help me."

"Okay," Sean nodded, "thank you for telling me." He picked up his notepad, "so this nut allergy, does it only give you headaches or migraines?"

"Yes," She whispered.

"Does that include peanut butter?"

"Can't have it."

"And the acidic allergy?" Sean pushed, "What about it?"

"Any acidic foods will cause my throat to become irritated and sometimes they will cause my throat to feel like it is closing on me. I can have cooked tomatoes since it reduces the acidity, but I can't have raw tomatoes, oranges or juices, pickles, things like that. Well, I can in very small amounts but if I'm not paying attention, it can get bad."

"Any other allergies we need to know about?"

"I can't have any medications that have the sulfur group in them," she whispered. "Sulfur, sulfide, sulfate, any kind I can't have so there is very little medication I can take."

"Noted, anything else?" She blushed and bit her bottom lip nervously. He sighed, "Jennifer, you need to be honest with me. I'm speaking to you as your doctor, not your husband."

"I um..." she cleared her throat then spoke so softly he almost didn't hear her, "I have a latex allergy."

"Oh," he forced himself to not grin. "Okay noted."

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