Chapter 58

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Men's Perspective

The room went stone cold silent as everyone processed the information. Before any of the hot headed males gave an outburst Owen steeled himself and looked into Miss Caroline's eyes. He could see the terror and shadows lingering at the front. "Miss Caroline, please return to the guest house and get some rest. I will make sure two servants will attend to your every need along with a security detail stationed outside the home. I must ask that you don't leave the guest house unless one of us escorts you here or you receive our permission directly. I ask this of you as there might be a war to retrieve our wife back and your safety is one of our priorities," Owen said as he helped her stand up and lead her to the door.

"Yes, I understand, just please save my daughter from that vile place," she nodded as she stood. Sean gently grasped her elbow and escorted her out of the room. Owen could hear him talking to one of the maids for a few minutes before he heard him walk back towards the room.

"Fucking Nowak?" Gabe asked the second Sean shut the door. "Seriously?"

"This whole fucking time he had her?" North said through clenched teeth.

"I kill him," Raven growled as he pulled out his favorite knife and pressed the tip into his finger. "I professional Russian."

"Agreed," Owen and Axel said at the same time.

"Just make sure we have our wife back first," Corey nodded as he typed furiously on his laptop. "Alright, got the blueprints of the house she described and it does show an attic and a basement. There were some recent building permits approved for additions added on as well." He hit a button and the images were cast onto the TV.

"I'll update the Academy," Axel said as he pulled out his phone, "and our friends that have been helping search for her. We are going to need their help since we don't know how many women they have."

"I'll call the Andersons," Silas nodded as he pulled out his phone. "Aunt Lily is going to have to reach out to her colleagues, they are going to be busy for quite a while."

"Plus Liam, Henry, Jack, and Harry are going to want to join us," Brandon nodded as he tossed Raven his knife to sharpen it for him. Raven caught it with ease and his devilish smirk grew even darker.

"Just remember," Owen said as he slid his favorite black gloves over his hands, "this is a search and rescue mission first then it will be time to serve our justice."

"With the understanding that if our wife wants the final blow she gets it," Axel nodded as he braided his hip length hair while fastening his eagle feather into it securely.

The men headed to the weapon's room to prepare for the rescue. Within ten minutes they were ready and all their associates were waiting outside the mansion awaiting orders. The drive over was filled with silence, each man mentally preparing themselves while barely holding back the beasts in them that were trying to break free.

The men rushed out the second the vehicles stopped. North kicked the door open, ignoring the woman's startled scream. Axel grabbed the woman and shoved her against the wall. "Where is my wife?" He demanded while holding a hand up to stop Raven from storming over.

"D...d...don't..." she gasped in terror.

"Get her out of here," Axel demanded as he turned his back on the woman, searching for someone that might have some sort of information.

"What the hell is going on here?" A loud voice boomed, making the men stop their angry searches.

"You." Raven spoke with such calmness and coolness that a shiver went down everyone's spines. They knew that all it took was one wrong thing and he would snap. "Where is my wife?"

"Your wife is not here, Sir," Mr. Nowak smirked. "Now I must ask you to leave."

"And I say we stay," Owen stared him down with such lack of emotion that sweat started to form on Nowak's forehead. Owen straightened his tie before clearing his throat, "It is with great pleasure that I may inform you, Sir, that you are no longer the owner of this residence or its lands. I now own it, so you Sir are no longer welcome on this premises."

"What?" he shouted in a mixture of confusion and fury. "How dare you–"

"How dare you!" Owen said as he grabbed Raven's gun from its holster and pointed it straight at Nowak's forehead. "You kidnapped our wife and have held her hostage for a month while lying to our faces. Now since you are trespassing on our property and I am the attorney for the state then I shall bypass the ruling for us to seek retribution by any means we see fit. Men," he barely tilted his head and a slow dark smile formed on his lips. "Proceed."

Owen walked up the stairs slowly while keeping the gun aimed at Nowak's head. When he reached him, he pressed the tip of the gun into Nowak's skin right between the eyes. "Where is our wife?"

"If you do not tell me where our wife is, I will peel your skin layer by layer while also pouring honey over your body and letting the fire ants devour you then blow salt over your wounds while relishing in your tears," Axel smirked. "And when you are just on the brink of passing out I'll have Doc here bring you back to awareness so my husbands can have their turns on you and we will repeat this over and over and over until our wife no longer feels any pain or fear when thinking of you. It may take weeks, months, or even years and each time we will enjoy every second of it."

"And while that thought may make you happy," Nowak smirked, "you will also have to face the fact that I know where she is and you do not and I also have evidence that she is no longer your wife and is promised to another."

"And that is a lie," Owen's smirk grew darker. "I know what you tried to do," he pressed the tip of the gun into his skin even further, "and it won't work. Your false documents will never hold up in court. And there are plenty of witnesses that will testify that you threatened to blackmail them into their statements as well as there are witnesses that will support our marriage." He took another step forward, forcing Nowake to take a step back, "I also have evidence of your various blackmails and other irrefutable illegal activities that I will gladly present to multiple judges. I will destroy you until you can not even live on the streets in any country before I let my husbands have their fun. Now where is our wife?"

Nowak gulped, "Basement."

Sean looked around but stopped when the woman that Axel shoved into the wall pointed to a door. He took off while hearing footsteps following him. "Basement!" He shouted as he entered the kitchen. A woman quickly opened a door allowing them to rush past her. He nearly fell down the stairs, his eyes wide as he quickly scanned the room. Seeing a woman towards the back, he shouted, "Where is my wife?!?!" His breath left him as he watched Jennifer fall into a large tub of water. It was then that his brain registered that she was standing in a white bathroom, barely seen in the concrete basement, hidden away from the view of anyone coming down. Why was there a bathroom in the basement and just what the fuck was going on? His body went rigid as the seconds passed and she did not rise. The water began to settle as his deepest fear started to become a reality, she wasn't coming up for air. "Jennifer!"

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