Chapter 12

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She nodded and took her cell phone from Corey. She dialed the number by heart and waited. "Daughter," her mother said emotionlessly. "To what do I owe this surprise?"

"Mother," Jennifer said sitting straight up and clasped her hand together before setting them on the table in front of her. "I have a question, during my woman physical to ensure that I am pure, what was the pain that I felt during the exam?"

Her mother sighed with an annoyed tone, "I have already discussed this with you Jennifer Marie, why must you bring it up again? It is not for a woman to worry about such frivolous matters. The doctor your father chose wrote all the important information in your file for your husbands to know. That is all you need to know."

"But what if they want children one day, Mother?" she asked nervously. "I briefly remember you and Father saying something, but I can't remember what you told me. I apologize for being an ignorant daughter, I just need to know what to tell them, Mother."

"That is not something you need to worry about Daughter," she scoffed. "Those men do not want children, so it is a good thing the doctor found you to be barren."

"I'm barren?" Jennifer asked tightening her clasp on her interlaced fingers to keep the emotion out of her voice.

Her mother scoffed again, "Did you not listen to anything I told you? Must I come over and go over the lessons again?"

"No Mother."

"Husbands do not want a wife that will question them or make them look empty headed. They want a wife that will make them look good in every sense. Now, if it will make you be quiet, then I will tell you but you must let it go immediately."

"Yes Mother."

"Good," she huffed in annoyance, "The pain you felt was the doctor removing a small piece of a mass that he found. He ran tests and it was determined that you are not capable of having children. He informed us that if your future husbands wanted heirs, it would have to through surrogates or their mistresses. You will have to terminate the mistress' rights and adopt to make the child legitimate but there are plenty of judges that do it discreetly. But you do not need to worry about such things, Daughter. The men your father picked for you do not want children so do not dwell on it anymore."

"Yes Mother," Jennifer said as her eyes glazed over.

"Your body is perfect in every other way Daughter, you do not have any problems so enough of this talk," she said as if it was a huge inconvenience. "Is that all? I need to get presentable for dinner."

"Yes Mother," Jennifer said robotically, "thank you for setting me straight."

A click told her the call was finished but she remained still. "Jennifer?" Sean asked after a few moments of silence. He didn't like how she looked.

A slight jerk snapped her out of her trance, "May I be excused please Sir?"

"No," Owen shook his head. "You need to eat."

Marc sat a bowl down in front of her and Sean held out the small spoon. "Your parents are lying to you Jennifer. You have no mass, and your female parts are healthy. I am 99% sure if I were to remove the birth control implant you would be able to have children if you wanted. I think your parents did it without your consent to ensure that you did not give us children. They were probably thinking that by the time we were made aware of the implant we would have accepted that you could not have children and it would be too late. I am sorry they did that to you without your consent, Jennifer, it is not right."

"A child does not question what their parents decide for their wellbeing," she said robotically. "A parent knows what's best for their child."

"That's bullshit," North seethed. "It's your fucking body, you decide what happens to it."

"After a woman is married by her father's decision, a husband knows what's best for his wife," She threw back, "in all aspects. He decides what goes in and on her mind and body. Her mind and body is his temple to decorate in any way he sees fit."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Gabe asked in disbelief.

"Enough," Owen declared as he straightened his tie. "We will finish this conversation later. This must be a huge shock for you to accept. It surely can't help your upset stomach. Now, Dr. Green has said you need to eat, so eat your chicken and dumplings so you can start to feel better."

She slowly unclasped her fingers and Sean massaged the tension from her hands before handing her the spoon. She took it and whispered, "Yes Sir," before swallowing a spoonful of the broth.

Owen briefly nodded, "Good girl, Wife."

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