Chapter 8

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She followed them into the living room and sat down, placing her hands in her lap, intertwining her fingers together.

"First off, let's get introductions out of the way," Owen said as he straightened his grey tie. "I'm Owen Blackbourne."

The man next to him sighed tiredly. He had blonde hair and green eyes, "I'm Dr. Sean Green."

"I'm North Taylor," the man dressed in all black grumbled.

"And I'm his older brother Luke Taylor," the blonde haired brown eyed man nodded.

"I'm Nathan Griffin," the red headed man next to Luke said.

The man next to Nathan was the one she recognized as having a slight accent. He had black hair and dark brown eyes, "I'm Silas Korba."

"Oy, and I'm Gabe Coleman," the man wearing an orange shirt nodded. He had hair that reminded her of Rogue from X-Men with the blonde streaks in front.

"I'm Kota Lee," the man that was helping her in all her classes nodded. He had glasses like Owen but green eyes instead of grey. He was the one that the golden retriever Max followed around.

The man sitting at the piano playing nodded, "I'm assuming you already know who I am?"

"You're Victor Morgan," Jennifer nodded. "Mother loves listening to your music."

"And you?" Victor asked as he continued to play. His brown eyes burned into hers curiously.

"It's beautiful Sir," She admitted.

"I'm Corey Henshaw," one of the blonde-haired blue-eyed twins said calmly. "I usually have something yellow on so you can tell us apart."

"I'm Brandon," the other identical twin said. "I wear red."

"Thank you," Jennifer nodded, "hopefully soon I will be able to tell the difference."

"I Raven Ravenstahl," the Russian said smirking at her while tossing his open knife in the air and catching it without any thought to it. Her eyes widen at his name making him chuckle, "Da, I prince mafia."

She cleared her throat and nodded, "Okay."

"I'm Marc Weiland," The man she recognized as making the coffee for everyone in the mornings. He had one blue eye and one green eye.

"And I'm Axel Toma," The Native American said as he played with the eagle feather in his braid.

"Now we understand it will take some time to remember everyone's names," Owen said as he adjusted his cufflinks. "As for the wedding, the reason only nine of us are there is because your father refused for you to be married to Mr. Ravenstahl. He only agreed to it if the original nine members of the family were on the marriage certificate. Now that you are legally married to us, he no longer has a say and when the last of the items arrive, we will be having a binding ceremony where you will be bound to all fourteen of us."

"So, the envelope you handed him were the legal papers?" She asked.

"Yes," Owen nodded, "He wanted a copy of the marriage certificate for proof that his daughter was not tied to Mr. Ravenstahl's association."

"And that is why they were not sitting on the couches during the interviews?" she asked and Owen nodded. "Will the binding ceremony override the marriage?"

"Yes," Axel nodded. "We will all be married to one another, well besides North and Lucian and Corey and Brandon of course."

"I'm sorry but why does it even matter that we are married?" She asked, confused. "You can easily buy out my father's company so why have this marriage? Surely it isn't because of the company or my inheritance because that's nothing compared to what you have."

"What exactly do you know about your father's company and your inheritance?" Axel asked.

"I just know that my inheritance is some property from both my parents since I am an only child and I know we are doing good in my father's business. I sit in the meetings, but I still do not understand everything. We are making a profit, but I haven't been shown the exact numbers. He is going to show me when he gets ready to retire unless you decide to take over then he will be discussing that information with you."

"That is not entirely true," Kota said shaking his head.

"What?" she asked, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the business is making a little profit, but honestly it is barely making succeeding," Owen said. "It would be better if your father would listen to my suggestions, but he refuses. I refuse to take over when it is practically failing. Besides, it would be pointless to take over when you are learning to run it. If you want our help when you take over then we will discuss it but right now, it's still in his hands."

"Oh," she murmured.

"What do you know about your grandparents?" Corey asked.

"Nothing," she admitted. "I don't even know their names, they died before I was born. I just have this picture of them," she held up her locket and opened it.

"May I see?" Corey asked.

She removed her necklace and handed it to him. Raven looked over and nodded, "Da."

"What?" She asked confused.

Raven sighed and clasped his hands together, "Your mother suppose marry my father, grandparents make deal. Your father take her from my father, marry in secret. Nyet like father's business, nyet want Father getting your mother's lands inheritance, he want it all himself. Why he refuse you to me. Purposely wait have you until think too many years pass. Nyet like family, refuse acknowledge deal grandparents make."

"I'm sorry," She clutched her head, "excuse me just a second please."

"What's wrong?" Sean asked. "Too much information right now? Did we overwhelm you?"

"No, Sir," She spoke softly. "This is more like my allergy headaches."

"What allergy?" Sean asked. "Your father said you had no allergies."

"I'm allergic to all kinds of nuts, they give me migraines. I think something was possibly cooked in peanut oil. I just need to take my medicine and then I will be okay."

"You don't have any medications here," Sean frowned. "Your parents didn't send any."

"But...," she pouted, "but they know if it gets too bad I'll get sick."

"Come on, I'm taking you to my office," Sean sighed angrily.

"I'm sorry," she shook her head, "I'll be fine, please continue."

"Go," Owen glared, "he's not mad at you, he's mad we weren't informed of your allergy."

"I can't be a problem," she protested. "A good wife does not cause problems. I have to be a good wife."

Owen stood and walked over to her. "A good wife listens to her husbands, correct?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then get your ass in that car and go with Dr. Green right now."

She gulped and stood with tears in her eyes, "Yes Sir."

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