Chapter 5

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"Holy shit, who are those hotties that just walked in?" A girl asked whispering to another as Jennifer put the cap on her highlighter and put it in her pencil bag. "Just look at them."

Max started barking causing Jennifer to look up from shutting her binder. "There you are, Kitten," The man covered in tattoos smiled as they strolled over to her. "Have good class?"

"I did," Jennifer smiled up at him. "I got a lot of notes to help me prepare for my upcoming test. What are all of you doing here?" She asked the men. "I thought you would be at work. Not that I'm complaining in the least. I love this surprise."

"Seriously?" The girl next to her gasped. "They are with her?"

"Well I did hear she just got married," the other girl whispered back. "But from what I hear it was an arranged marriage. Daddy set the whole thing up."

"We got off work early," the man dressed in all black smiled as he took her bag from her, "so we wanted to surprise you and get some time with you before your study groups."

"Anything else you say about our wife?" The man covered in tattoos glared down at the girls. "Not nice spread rumors you know nothing about." The girls paled as his eyes darkened and quickly rushed out of the room.

"Let's go," the man with green eyes and glasses said taking her binder from her. "Once we get somewhere, I want to see your notes so I know what you are learning and I can correct anything you got wrong. Most of the time these idiots don't know what really is important to know."

"Thank you," she nodded as she followed the man in tattoos out of the room with Max right by her side. "I appreciate you helping me," she said softly as they sat down at a nearby café.

"Well, we can't have you looking like an idiot now can we?" he asked as he opened the binder. "Where's your book?"

She quickly grabbed it out of her bag and opened it to where she had it marked. "Well, hello," A girl with long blonde hair beamed as she came over to the table. "What can I get you to drink?"

"Water," the man in all black said in an annoyed tone. "Here is your menu, Baby," he said in a gentle tone as he took the menu from the woman and held it out to Jennifer.

"Thank you but I am not hungry," she smiled softly causing the woman to scoff then roll her eyes and walk off after muttering about giving them a few minutes.

"No, no, no," the man in glasses muttered to himself as he marked a few things in her notes and wrote something down. "Freaking idiots, I swear."

"Oh hey Jenny, I thought that was you," a man smiled as he walked over to the table. "You waiting for group to start?"

"Hello Matthew," Jennifer tensed up. "Yes I am. May I introduce my husbands?"

"You actually got married?" Matthew's mouth dropped. "Man I thought you were just saying that to get Robert off your case."

"What?" The three men asked at the same time.

"Chill dudes," Matthew held his hands up in a surrender mode. "She doesn't have the right equipment for me, swear."

"Oh there you are, Babe," A man with dreadlocks said coming over to them. He kissed Matthew on the cheek and frowned in confusion. "What's wrong?"

"Theo, meet Jenny's husbands," Matthew said nodding to the group. "I was just explaining to them that Jenny isn't my type and I admitted I thought she was lying due to Robert."

"Oh," Theo chuckled. "Well, hello. I'm Theodore and this is my silly man, Matthew."

"Kota Lee," the man in glasses nodded.

"North Taylor," the man in black glared.

"Raven Ravenstahl," the man covered in tattoos growled while holding Jennifer's hand. "Who Robert?"

"He's the leader of the study group in ten minutes, Dear," Jennifer said softly. "He has been persistently trying to insist on helping me one on one despite me saying numerous times I was fine and I'm engaged. He didn't believe me since you have been so busy working lately."

"Sounds like he needs to learn that no means no," North glared. "You haven't mentioned his pressuring you before, why?"

"Well, you were so busy with the company I didn't want to bother you," she said gently, "and honestly I thought he would eventually give up. Plus, I wasn't sure if I was just overreacting and I didn't want to jump to conclusions if I was wrong about his intentions."

"Oh Honey, you sweet naïve girl," Matthew chuckled. "He is known as a huge player and he thinks it's a game to see if he can beat his previous number each semester. He loves a challenge and thinks it's a joke when a girl says no."

"Well, he will get the message loud and clear this time," North glared.

"Thank you, Gentlemen," Kota nodded. "See you in a few."

"Come on Matty, our drinks are ready," Theo understood leading Matthew away.

"Anything else we need to know?" North said through clenched teeth. "Any more problems we may encounter while we are here?"

"No Sir," She shook her head. "Not that I can think of. I apologize, I really did think he would eventually stop if I just kept telling him no."

"Just come on," Kota sighed as he shut the binder. "You don't want to be late."

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