Chapter 28

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"How dare you!" He snarled as he stormed toward her.

She internally braced herself for the oncoming onslaught as she turned to face him head on. "Would you care to elaborate on what it is I have done this time, Father?"

"Why you! How dare you talk to your father that way!" His face turned even a darker shade of red. "This is not how I raised you!"

Anger coursed through her, snapping her out of her frozen state. "Raised me?" she asked in disbelief. "You NEVER raised me! The maids and my tutors raised me! You were too busy with working or now I find out sticking your dick in your multiple mistresses to create other families to raise me! And your wife was too busy with her multiple surgeries and shopping sprees to flaunt your money to pay any attention to me! The only time you acknowledged me was to "train" me to be the perfect Stepford wife for the men you chose for me to marry!"

"How dare you backtalk me, you brat!" Her face snapped to the side before she felt the pain hit her skin. Tears instantly welled up as her mind slipped the pain away into the box in her chest, effectively numbing her body in the trained way her body automatically knew to do. "I can see your husbands haven't kept up with your lessons. How disappointing, I shall be speaking with the judge and annulling your marriage immediately. This certainly explains your latest stunts. That's fine," he cleared his throat as he fiddled with his rings. "Once you are back home we can restart your lessons and I will do a better job of finding the right husbands for you."

"You will do no such thing," she said through clenched teeth.

"Excuse me?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me, Father," she glared at him. "You can no longer control me or should I say my inheritance."

"I have every right to that money!" He shouted. "You ruined me with your little stunt! That outburst cost me everything I have worked for and your mother left me because of it! I have nothing left because of you and your disobedience! You owe me!"

"No!" she shouted back. He actually took a step back in shock and she took that moment to clear her throat and regain control of herself. The image of Owen flashed in her mind so she took a deep breath and slowly let it out before speaking calmly.

"No Father," she repeated. "You and your cheating dick and your greed for more money cost you everything. You spent my entire life making sure I would be the perfect wife for whoever you married me to. Rule number one: My role in life is to be the perfect trophy wife for my husbands. I must remember at all times that my father will pick the perfect men for our family and I will never question my father's decisions for me. I will always look perfect for my husbands so I will not bring dishonor upon them, nor will I ever question their decisions since they know what is best. I am meant to be seen and not heard and will always be available to them for whenever they need me. While my husbands will provide everything I need, they will never love me. Rule number two: Love is not real so I will never expect to receive it. I know that even though I will provide them with heirs when they decide, it will not mean anything because I am merely a trophy wife and they do not and will never love me. I am merely their toy to be used how they want. See? I haven't forgotten my lessons, I merely choose not to listen to them."

"Why you insolent–"

"I am only listening to my husbands," She said as she slightly shrugged her shoulders. "You said that once I am married I am no longer your responsibility and I am to do as my husbands wish. Well I am doing just that. They were the ones to find out you damaged my body in hopes of me never producing an heir and had me believing that they never wanted children, which is a lie by the way. They were the ones to figure out that you stole my mother away from her arranged marriage in order to get her money and that's also why you tried to break up their family by having me marry only part of them and still be able to have control over my inheritance. But your plan didn't work because the husbands you chose for me didn't turn out to be the men you thought they were, did they Father? They were smarter than you anticipated and yet they still want me despite everything you tried to do and that enrages you. It makes you livid that they caught onto your plan and ruined it and threw it right back at you. I'm doing exactly what you trained me to do but it's not going the way you want so now you are trying to blame me for your downfall when it's your own fault."

"It's you that ruined everything!" He shouted.

"Do it and you will regret it," she narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't forget who my husbands are."

"I know exactly who they are," he fumed. "They are murders."

"Where is the proof?" She questioned him. "If they were then they would be in prison and yet they are free men so obviously you can't believe every rumor you hear about people. And on top of that, what does that say about you dear father? Your image and reputation mean everything to you and yet you married your only heir to supposed assassins or serial killers or as you put it murders. Kind of taints your perfect image if you think about it. Once again not my fault, you are the cause of your downfall, Father."

"That's it!" He shouted as he raised his hand to strike her again.

"Don't even think about it," a voice said, making both turn to see who was interrupting their argument. Sean took a step further and held his phone up slightly higher, making it clear that he was recording the incident. "But please keep talking, the people are loving this live feed."

"Turn that off right now," he shouted as he took a step toward Sean. "I do NOT give you permission to be recording me. Stop filming me immediately!"

"Public property," Sean smirked, "Even if I did, the people have seen plenty and I must say, they are not liking your true colors."

"I said stop!" he stormed over to Sean who remained where he stood.

"Let me think about it," Sean smirked, "how about no? After seeing the way you have treated my wife, I think everyone should see you for what you really are." He sent a quick look to Jennifer and frowned, "Jennifer, what's that on your cheek?" He turned his phone to her, "Is that a handprint? Did he slap you?" he asked as anger filled him.

"Is everything okay here?" A security guard asked as he walked over to them. "Dr. Green?"

"No," Sean said sternly. "My wife has been–"

"I was assaulted by this man and I want him arrested immediately," Jennifer said after clearing her throat. "I was out here alone trying to get some fresh air and he started yelling at me. I yelled back and he struck me. I would like to press charges please and I'm sure my husband would like to give me a check up to prevent this from bruising."

The officer nodded, "of course."

"You can't arrest me, I'm her father," he shouted, "I have every right to discipline her!"

"I'm over the age of eighteen," she threw back at him, "and you have NO right to hit me!"

"That's enough," The officer said as he grabbed her father's wrists. A police car arrived, "Let's go."

"This isn't over!" he shouted as he was pulled away. "You will pay for your insolence!"

"I think not," another voice said from behind the group. Jennifer turned and her breath hitched as she saw her husbands standing there, each of them in various stages of anger. Owen straightened his tie as he cleared his throat, "You are done."

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