Chapter 52

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"What are you thinking?" Axel asked Owen as he watched him look at some papers.

"Something is missing," Owen mumbled. "It's not adding up."

"What?" Axel asked curiously. He always found fascination in watching the wheels turn in Owen's mind, the way he figured things out.

Owen's phone started ringing, making him huff in annoyance. "Blackbourne."

"I have deliveries for the Blackbourne Ravenstahl family, Sir," A young man said nervously. "I'm at the gate but the guard will not let me through, Sir."

"We are not home," Owen said as he switched over to the speakerphone. "And we were not expecting any deliveries. Who did you say you were with again?"

"My name is Alan Rogers, Sir, and I run the deliveries for Central Mall. I have multiple boxes addressed to...Jennifer Blackbourne Ravenstahl, Sir."

"Ravenstahl," Raven growled into his phone after it started ringing. "Da, Jennifer my wife. Da?" He turned to look at Owen with confusion in his eyes. "Fine, I be there."

He hung up his phone, "Raven?" Corey asked as he barely looked up from his laptop.

"Jewelry Kitten ordered ready for pick up," Raven explained. "Have bring ID before release. Need excuse for her. What say?"

"I'll go with you," Owen said as he looked toward Axel. "We will need to meet this Mr. Rogers as well and see what this delivery is about. Axel, maybe you can notice something that I am overlooking."

Axel nodded, "I'll look. Be careful."

Raven pulled his keys out of his pocket and nodded, "Da, let's go."

The drive was filled with silence as each man was partially curious about these things from Jennifer and the other part was wondering where their wife was. "We are going to find her," Owen said as Raven pulled onto the road that had trees nearly blocking the sun from them. He could still remember clearly the way Jennifer softly gasped when she first saw it. North had informed them that she whispered that it looked like a fairytale and now every time they drove on the road they could see it.

"Da," Raven agreed as his fists tightened even more around the steering wheel. "I kill them."

"Yes you will," Owen nodded, "After we get our answers. Play first then kill."

Raven chuckled darkly as he hit the brakes, bringing them an inch away from the truck that was parked in front of their gate. Raven stepped out of his truck and his hands instantly went to his gun and knife. Owen stepped out of the truck and began fastening the button on his suit jacket. Calm personified him, despite how close Raven parked his truck to the other one, as he approached the guards and the stranger as they stepped out of the guardhouse.

"Sirs," the guards nodded. "Alan Rogers from Central Mall's delivery system, everything checks out."

"Holy shit, you're them," the guy gasped as his eyes widened. Owen barely squinted while Raven grunted. Alan gulped then cleared his throat, "I...I'm sorry. It's just that your wife met my boyfriend Andy at Build-A-Bear and he has been talking to me and our other boyfriend and our girlfriend nonstop about it. It totally made his day when he got to help her out with her shopping for you. He found it so cute that her love language was gift-giving because that's his too. And now I'm rambling..."

"It's fine," Owen said as he watched the man become more flustered. "Her bodyguards told us about him. You can let him know that we appreciate his help with our wife and we love our stuffed animals. How about this? Our wife is currently sick at the moment but once she is better and feeling up to it, we can have lunch together as a way to say thank you for being so kind to us."

"Really?" His eyes widened even more, much to their amusement, "Thank you so much Sirs. Wow, Andy is going to flip out. Oh, your deliveries," he blushed. "Sorry about the delay. They were supposed to be here sooner but due to back order, they just became available. Here, I'll get them for you."

"I help," Raven finally spoke, feeling a bit calmer that there was no threat. He walked over to the truck and chuckled, "Wife go crazy shopping for us. Lots boxes."

"Good," Owen said as he signed off on the delivery form. "We will open them together once she wakes."

Raven nodded clearly getting the message. "That all?"

"Yes Sir," Alan nodded as he looked over the boxes then the list. "Three boxes from Barnes & Noble and eight boxes from Gaming Inc. Oh, wait, there are two more boxes from Best Buy, did you grab those?"

"Da, here," Raven said as he tapped two boxes at the back of the truck. "Got thirteen boxes."

"Great, that is everything I have on the list," Alan double-checked his list. "Once again I apologize for the delayed delivery but I am so glad I got to give them to you. I hope Mrs. Blackbourne Ravenstahl feels better soon and Andy is going to be so excited when I tell him."

"Give us your number and once our doctor clears her we will give you a call," Owen said as he adjusted his cufflinks. Alan quickly wrote it down and held it out. "Thank you," Owen nodded as he slipped the paper into his wallet. "And thank you and your family for your support. Have a good day."

"You too," Alan breathed as Raven opened the door for Owen, shutting it once he was sure Owen was buckled. Raven nodded to him and then the guard then drove up to the house.

"What now?" Raven asked as he watched the delivery truck drive off.

"Pack up everything and bring it home," Owen said into his phone. "And I mean everything, we can spread it out on the conference table and look at it better. Miss Holloway can stay in the guest house for now so Dr. Green can keep a better eye on her." He let out a small chuckle, "From what I can see she definitely went over her $2000 spending limit. Not sure yet, but there are three boxes from Barnes & Noble, eight boxes from Gaming Inc, and two boxes from Best Buy. Yes, we are just about to head there now, okay, see you when you get home. Be careful."

"Unload then jewelry?" Raven asked. Owen nodded as he unlocked the front door. "Got it."

They worked in silence to put the boxes in the living room and then headed to the mall. Finding the jewelry store, they walked in and headed straight to the counter. "Hello Gentlemen, how can I help you today? Looking for something for the girlfriends or wives?" the woman asked.

"Nyet," Raven growled in disgust at her eyes leering over them. "Pick up order for wife, Jennifer Blackbourne Ravenstahl."

"Oh," she nodded as she straightened her back. "Yes Sir, it is ready for pickup." She cleared her throat and began typing on her computer, "May I please see your ID for verification?" Raven and Owen both pulled out their wallets and held out their driver's licenses, "Thank you, Sirs, I will go get them and have you look them over for your approval."

"That is not necessary," Owen shook his head. "She asked that we not look at them until we are all together so she can see our first reactions together. Just box them up."

She nodded, "Yes Sir, and if there are any problems just bring them back and we will fix them free of charge. I'll be right back."

She walked off and Raven grunted, "Disgust."

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