Chapter 39

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"So, is her father gone for good or is he going to be a problem in the future?" Kota questioned as he looked at Owen.

"Last I'd checked, he was in the Metro Jail waiting to see a judge. If he knows what is good for him, he will just follow the judge's orders, and serve his sentence. Leave us and our wife alone as it's the main rule to follow," Owen said as he adjusted his cufflinks.

"Serves him right for what he has done to our wife, thinking he'd be able to still control her and us not do a thing about it. Although, I'd love to teach him a few lessons ourselves," Brandon said as he cracked his neck. A few men gave their agreement with Brandon's statement.

"Well, why don't you place our wife in her bed and we can have our meeting going over Mr. Nowak's request," Axel said as he looked over to Silas.

"Fine," Silas mumbled as he threw him a glare then left the room, ignoring the chuckles coming from a few of the men. He came back a couple of minutes later and sighed as he plopped down next to North then shifted so he could rest his head in his lover's lap. North automatically started running his fingers through his hair. "Alright," Silas sighed, "I'm ready. Let's talk."

Owen dropped his glasses to his desk and sighed, "Alright Gentlemen, as you know we had a meeting with Mr. Nowak since he made it seem urgent we speak with him."

"If you ask me, the mission is pointless. Just seems like a failed marriage to me," Nathan grumbled as he tossed his arms behind his head and leaned back.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked curiously.

Axel sighed then proceeded to tell him and the others that had stayed with their wife how the meeting commenced, including the evidence Mr. Nowak tried to show them.

"Are we at least going to look into it?" Gabe asked.

"Yes," Owen nodded, "we will but with completely open eyes."

"Fucking alright then."

A few days passed with her still feeling a little confused and awkward about the whole situation but she tried to let it go since they were doing whatever they could to show her that they were excited and comfortable about it. She would occasionally find bottles next to cups in the cupboard or new DVDs would appear in the movie collection, there were a few more colorful blankets on the back of the couches in the living room and media room, and plushies and stuffed animals now sat in various places in all the rooms.

She was currently making biscuits and gravy and scrambled eggs while the bacon cooked in the oven as the men slowly appeared in the kitchen to make their cups of coffee and juice.

"Morning Wife," they each said as they placed a kiss on her cheek, smirking at her blushing every time.

"Good morning, Husbands," she said bashfully, "Breakfast is almost done."

"Thank you, Wife," Owen said as he ran his finger tips down her back. A shiver coursed through her, much to his delight. He knew better than to comment on it though so he focused on making his morning drink then made her a cup of juice and sat it beside her hand. "Drink."

"Yes, sir," she said as she sat her spatula down and took a drink. North picked up the spatula and started plating the biscuits on everyone's plates.

"Go sit down," North said without looking at her, "we got this. Please."

"Okay," she nodded as she picked up her cup and followed Owen over to the dining room table.

Once North placed the last plate down, everyone dug into the food. "This is delicious, thank you, Dear," Corey said with a small smile.

"It isn't much," she shook her head before taking a drink.

"It's perfect," Brandon corrected.

"Darling," Owen said to get her attention. Once she was looking at him, he continued, "Today we have an important meeting we all must attend. It will take up most of our day. You will stay here."

"May I..." she trailed off, then once his gaze sent a warm feeling over her, she cleared her throat, "May I go to the mall? I would like to get out of the house for a bit and walk around."

"I think that is a good idea," Sean nodded, "it will do you good to get some fresh air and exercise since you have been stuck in here while you were sick."

"I would like it if you gave us hourly up to two-hour check-ins of where you are. Oh, and take a bodyguard with you," Victor said as he pushed his plate away after he finished.

"I...I can do that. Thank you," she said with a small smile. 'I can't wait to place the order' she thought as she took another bite.

"Here is your own black card. We added you to our plan," Owen said as he slid a black credit card with her name on it. A gasp left her as her eyes widened at the piece of plastic in front of her. "Don't worry or stress about it," Owen demanded softly once she finally looked up at him. "We have enough for multiple lifetimes. We mean it, enjoy yourself."

"Th...Thank you, I will," Jennifer said with a wide smile and a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Well, we must be getting to our conference. Please be careful and don't forget to check in. William will be your bodyguard for the day till we have one approved as your permanent bodyguard. Charles will be your permanent driver though," Axel said as he adjusted his overcoat.

"Okay," she mumbled as Victor took the card from her hand and walked over to her purse. He pulled her wallet out and slipped the card inside once he opened it. He put the wallet back in her purse then kissed the top of her head.

"Have a great day, and I better see you spend at least $2,000, Wife," Victor said as he pinned her with a look daring her to go against his command.

"I will, Sir," she said meekly. "I mean I will try. I've never..."

"Oy, just get whatever fucking peeks your interest. A fucking coat, dress, shit even a fucking gigantic teddy bear," Gabe chuckled. "Anything you want."

"I will try," she murmured as she pushed her fork around her plate.

Chuckling Axel leaned down and kissed the top of her head, "Just try your best, we're off now."

North walked over to her and lifted her chin so she was looking into his dark eyes, "make sure you eat some lunch too. I want pictures of you eating something healthy."

"And I want pictures of you eating something sweet," Luke winked at her.

"Yes Sirs," she blushed as she gripped the sides of her shirt. "Be careful."

"Always am," Multiple men said at once. "We have you to come home to now."

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