Chapter 42

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Finally when the world seemed to stop whipping them around she took a moment to try and get her bearings. Her groans filled the car as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. Gasping, she realized they had been run off the road and had flipped down a hillside. The reason they didn't continue is because of the massive boulder the front end hit. They were now upside down. Groaning from the pain coursing through her body and the ringing in her ears she tried to focus on Charles and William. She tried to talk but nothing would come out, only gasps.

When her vision cleared enough to make out the two, her eyes quickly blurred again as tears sprung forward. Charles was hanging upside down with blood running down his head creating a puddle on the roof of the car. William was also hanging upside down but there seemed to be a big piece of glass piercing his chest. She tried to feel along her body but she didn't feel anything stabbing her, maybe that was because she was sitting in the middle of the back seat instead of behind one of the guys. She tried to unbuckle but her hands were shaking and she had to be bleeding from somewhere because her fingers were coated in it. It didn't make sense since she couldn't feel anything but fire. She could feel her heartbeat in her brain, she needed to get out now but her fingers wouldn't listen to her brain.

Suddenly hands reached in and yanked both Charles and William through the shattered windows. She heard them moan and groan but she was stuck. She tried to get her fingers to cooperate again till a screeching sound came from next to her. Her door was pried open and someone wearing mainly black was trying to help get her out. She couldn't make out any discernible features as her vision still was blurred. Reaching for her purse, she gasped as the fire in her veins roared. She needed her phone but just before she could touch her purse it was yanked away from her. A whimper escaped her mouth as her vision started to go dark.

Hands gripped onto her while another from the opposite way fiddled with something on her side. Suddenly she was falling yet being pulled to the side. They had finally freed her from the seat belt and pulled her out of the wreckage. She was blinded by the sun's afternoon light causing her aching head to pound even worse. Suddenly everything went dark as something was draped over her head. She was lifted into the air and moved quickly. The jerking around caused dizziness and nausea to persist and her consciousness was held onto by a thread. A prick hit her neck and before she could respond the thread snapped and she found herself falling into a warm abyss.

Kota glanced down at his watch and frowned. Picking up his phone he barely glanced up to see if anyone was watching and he opened his group chat. His frown darkened as he glanced at his watch again.

"What?" Owen asked as he watched him check his phone again. "Dakota Lee, what?"

"Jennifer nor William have checked in. They are now 45 minutes late," he said as he refreshed his text messages. Everyone quickly whipped their phones out to see if they had received any notifications and were angered to see they hadn't.

"What the fuck? I can understand Jennifer if she got distracted but William never misses checkpoint," Brandon says as he looks to his brother to see him and Victor already typing quickly on their computers.

"Charles isn't answering his phone," Nathan growled as he tried again. "Nothing."

"The last point their phones showed their location was on the route to our home," Victor said as he continued to type. "They were leaving the mall, so I assume they were heading home."

Just then Owen's phone began to ring showing the caller ID as the Chief of Police. Quickly answering he put the phone on speaker and said, "This is Owen Blackbourne, how can I assist you, Chief?"

"Mr. Blackbourne, I regret to inform you," he said nervously.

"What? You regret to inform me of what?!" Owen growled low to the phone. They could all hear the Chief's teeth chatter from him shivering in fear.

Gulping he stated, "I regret to inform you there has been an accident. One of your vehicles was found driven off the road. The two men in the wreckage were found pulled out but unconscious a few feet away. They have sustained severe injuries and are en route to the hospital as we speak. There were no witnesses to the wreckage or who caused it that we have found so far."

"What about our wife?" Owen demanded. "How is she?"

"Your wife, Sir?" he asked in confusion.

"Yes, our wife! She was escorted out by those two men we employed to ensure her safety! Now tell me where my wife is or so help me we will need a new Chief of Police!" Owen shouted.

"I...I...Th...there...was nno one hh...has reported of a woman...found. I will have to get back in touch with my sheriff on the scene. I swear Mr. Blackbourne, she was not sighted at the wreck," he gulped.

"Our wife was with them!" Owen shouted. "Where is she?! Where's our wife?!"

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