Chapter 48

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Drip, drip, clink, clink, clank, were the sounds resounding around Jennifer's "room". Her body ached from the thin mattress on the floor that had springs poking her sides. She felt numb not only from the cold damp room but from the mental abuse she's been trying to shut out. It was causing her to start dissociating as she didn't want to be here anymore. She missed her husbands, if they even weren't hers anymore.

Mr. Nowak came yesterday during the fifth reshowing of the video with a yellow envelope in hand and a box of push pins. She was so disoriented as he had given her another shot of mysterious substance that for all she knew the video was never replayed but just one long continuous tape. The days were blurring into one another and even when she thought the shot had worn off she was starting to feel the same as when it was in her system. She no longer had an idea of how long she had been there.

Once he was done pinning up whatever it was he came over to her with a devious smirk. "Well now Miss Watson, how are we faring today? Any more rebellious thoughts or behaviors? No? No, snarky remark on the so-called husbands' rescuing you and my impending doom? Well, it seems you are starting to learn from your lessons. Now I have something special to show you," he taunted as he came behind her and did something to the chair.

Jennifer felt herself move as Mr. Nowak pushed the chair over to the wall where the corkboard was. She could tell this was where he was pinning up what seemed to be photos. She couldn't tell yet what exactly it was till he parked the chair right in front. There were multiple photos of her husbands with two females. One in a photo where Corey was gently holding onto her upper arm to keep her from leaving. Another where a woman stood next to Owen in what looked to be his work office leaning against it as she pointed at a document. The next photo showed the second woman at what seemed to be a training center and Raven stood behind as he wrapped his arms around her to adjust her hold on a gun. Nathan was in a photo lying on top of a woman on a tatami mat as if they'd just fallen. North and Brandon were seen in a photo on their motorcycles with a woman standing in between them with a big smile on her face with her hair whipping around in what appeared to be wind all crazy-like. Axel had his hand on a woman's lower back as they were looking down at something. Victor, Gabe, and Luke were at the Build-A-Bear shop talking with another woman with big smiles on their faces. Marc, Sean, Kota, and Silas were in the final photo sitting at their dining table. Sitting in the middle was the second woman again with what seemed to be a blush on her face.

Jennifer's heart shattered into pieces. They weren't coming...what they told her wasn't true...she wasn't going to be rescued. Mr. Nowak loved seeing her hope crumble from her eyes and the deep root of despair take form. "I told you, Miss Watson, they never truly loved you. You were just a trophy wife to them. Look at how quick your replacement is and not just one by the looks of it. See, you derailed off your training causing them to lose interest. But don't worry, that is why we are going to give you the intense program and have you back and perfect for your next husbands. I'm sure the Lanstor twins will appreciate you better," he said right next to her head as she just stared at the board of pictures as his words sunk further into the depths of her dark soul.

If he said anything else she didn't catch it as a ringing sound blasted into her ear and black dots began to cover her vision. She had woken up here in her room freezing yet she couldn't tell as she was numb to everything. The darkness around her felt like the dark pit in her soul came out for the world to know how she truly felt. She didn't want to live anymore if all she would ever be was a trophy wife with no say in anything. What was the point of living if she had no control of her own person?

In the distance, there were a few clangs and bangs as someone approached the room. She didn't bother to get up. What was the point? She wasn't going to fight them anymore but she wasn't going to bend to their rules either. She just wanted to remain here in the darkness and let it consume her. The door gave a screeching noise as the door to the room was pushed open. She didn't have the energy or will to even try and see who it was. She no longer cared, she just wanted this pain and darkness to consume her until there was nothing left of her.

"Well, well, well, how those who think they're mighty fall to the pits of hell. How does it feel, Dear Daughter, to realize that you are nothing? You will never be anything but a trophy wife. A pretty little thing to hang off her husband's arms and do whatever she is told. So much for that confidence you had to stand up to me and make that reporter announce blasphemy about your dear loving parents. Where are your saviors at now? Oh, that's right. They are too busy cleaning up the fucking mess you created and trying to decide which of those women will do their duties as their fathers have trained them," her father said as he took measured steps towards her till he was right in front of her and squatted down. He tilted her head up till they were looking into each other's eyes. He could see the despair and broken soul in her eyes and it made him smile with such dark pleasure. "Now, it is time for the real training to begin if we are going to have you prepared for your new husbands, the Irish twins Lanstors."

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