Chapter 10

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"How is she?"

Jennifer slowly drifted away to voices talking but kept her eyes closed since she was so exhausted. Everything felt so heavy and yet warm.

"Sleeping," Sean's voice replied. "I gave her a shot to ease her pain. I also found out her other food and medical allergies. This is serious Owen, like life threatening serious and we were not informed because and I quote "A perfect wife can not have any health complications" end quote. She foolishly tried to stop herself from throwing up," Sean sighed angrily. "She could have choked on her own damn throw up because of her stupid ass parents!" She heard hands being slammed down, "I know we said we wanted a submissive trained wife but this is not what I meant!"

"Hush Sean," Owen's voice replied. "I agree, we wanted her to obey but not a robot. This is something we will have to take the extra time to undo and train properly."

"I uhm," Sean cleared his throat, "I also kind of let my emotions get the best of me and may have caused a scene just so you know."

"What exactly did you do?" Owen asked.

"That slut nurse walked in as I was laying Jennifer down on the couch asking for help but clearly not in a medical way. I told her to leave since she could see that I was taking care of our wife and to quit causing drama. She implied that being in a relationship never stopped me from being with her before, so I fired her and had security remove her from the hospital but not before going off on her about improper conduct and made it very clear that I have never been with her before nor wanted to and that I refuse for that kind of drama to be allowed in my hospital. Dr. Roberts was there when it happened, so he is already aware of it."

"You did the right thing," Owen said calmly. "We can't allow for that to happen. We have an image to uphold after all. We have to care for our wife physically, mentally, and financially. Having her think we will not be faithful is not caring for her mentally."

"Or emotionally," Silas answered. "If she becomes depressed that will affect her mentally and physically. She is already too skinny for my taste. She needs meat on her bones."

"True," more voices whispered.

"What are we going to do about this not being informed about her allergies, Owen?" It sounded like Gabe asking or maybe Luke. "Doc said they were life threatening. We should have been told that."

"Clearly her father did not inform us because he thought that once we found out we would try to cancel the agreement. He knows we are with Mr. Ravenstahl and despite her age we still went through with it. He thought this through. He doesn't want Mr. Ravenstahl to have access to what she will inherit. Dr. Green confirmed it, she said a perfect wife does not have any health complications. Once we experienced a health problem, her father thought we would divorce, thus severing her being associated with Mr. Ravenstahl. But he clearly did not realize how this family works."

"What are you going to do, Owen?" Sean asked. "I know that look."

"We will bide our time for now. Since she is still attending meetings for her father's company, we can not completely sever ties at the moment, but that gives us time to plan accordingly. Once she takes over the company, we will completely go no contact. She will have no contact with them and then she will determine what she will do with the company. Once she takes over, we will also then have a commitment ceremony where it will be released that she is married to Mr. Ravenstahl as well and there will be nothing her father can do about it."

"What if she doesn't want to walk away from her parents, Owen?" Silas asked. "I mean they are her parents, her family, to a girl they are her everything. Daddy's princess and first love and all that."

"Then we become her everything," Owen replied. "Besides with the way they barely looked at her during the wedding and what we have seen already, I doubt she has that kind of connection to them."

"We haven't shown her any kind of affection besides now and handling that asshole situation," Axel pointed out. "She is still walking on eggshells around us, unsure of what to do and what is okay. How do you expect us to become her world, as you say, when we haven't formed a bond with her?"

"Look we always said when we found a wife for all of us, we would work on not being so closed off and not be such workaholics, didn't we?" Kota asked. "Well, we have a wife now."

"So now let's work on gaining her trust and then work on treating her like a queen," Luke agreed. "Maybe even love one day."

"From the looks of it, it will be a new concept for her," Axel pointed out. "She's been treated like an object, trained to be a certain way. It will be hard for her to start voicing her own opinions and wants. It will take a lot of time and patience."

"Good thing we have already started in the right direction," Sean said from beside her. "She was very shocked we brought her here, I defended our marriage, and I made her throw up then discuss her health and treated her. She kept expecting me to just let her suffer. This will help in gaining her trust."

"I've already checked the kitchen and disposed of anything that will affect her food allergies," Marc whispered. "I figured you would take care of the medicines."

"I will later," Sean whispered. "She will be nauseous when she wakes, that medicine was strong and she now has an empty stomach."

"I'm making chicken and dumplings for when she wakes," Marc whispered. "I'm shredding the chicken so it will be easier on her plus if she just has the broth it will be filling."

"I need to go check the bandages we have," Sean whispered as he stood. "She has a latex allergy."

"Really?" Raven chuckled. "Interesting."

"Chill out Raven," Corey scolded. "We are no where near that."

Sean chuckled, "let's leave so she can keep sleeping, she's starting to stir. Besides kids aren't in the picture for a long time, she has the ten-year birth control implant."

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